Mach VMM review

From: Ankur Rawat \(Excell Data Corporation\) (
Date: Wed Feb 11 2004 - 15:56:25 PST

  • Next message: Brian Milnes: "Rashid Paper"

    This paper breaks new ground in developing a OS Virtual memory
    management system using paging. The new approach is in developing a
    system by seperating the notion that good VMM can only be achieved by
    tight coupling between hardware and OS VMM system.

    I do not know if this was the first approach to develop a mostly
    hardware independent VMM system, as I have always read that good VMM
    system is not possible without close hardware support.


    The VMM system is built in the Mach OS developed at CMU. It has been
    ported to multiple hardware architectures. The system does not make any
    assumptions about the H/W but only expects it to handle and recover from
    page faults. It is a message based system and tries to achieve its
    performance by integrating whole file transfers and whole address spaces
    with message sending.


    The system is split into 2 parts:

    1. Machine dependent portion (consists of only 1 module and a
    header file): It implements those operations necessary to manage H/W
    data structures
    2. Machine independent portion

    The porting experiences suggest that it did not take a lot of effort to
    port Mach VM to different H/W architectures.


    Issues encountered while implementing the system on different H/W

    1. Keeping page tables in Physical memory complicates the machine
    dependent code
    2. One valid mapping of each physical page makes it impossible to
    share pages without faulting







  • Next message: Brian Milnes: "Rashid Paper"

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