Mach VM Review

From: Nathan Dire (
Date: Wed Feb 11 2004 - 14:24:11 PST

  • Next message: Cliff Schmidt: "Rashid et al. "Machine-Independent Virtual Memory Management for Paged Uniprocessor and Multiprocessor Architectures""

    In "Machine-Independent Virtual Memory Management for Paged Uniprocessor and
    Multiprocessor Architectures", Rashid, et al, present the virtual memory
    system of CMU's Mach Operating System, and explain how the system was
    architected to maximize portability.

    Mach supports large, sparse virtual address spaces, copy-on-write virtual copy
    operations, copy-on-write and read-write memory sharing between tasks, memory
    mapped files, and user-provided back store objects and pagers. The size of a
    Mach address space is limited only by the underlying hardware's support.
    Tasks are allowed to modify their virtual address space, and tasks can share
    memory as copy-on-write or read/write. For each page, inheritance may be
    specified per-page as shared, copy, or none. Read/write/execute protection
    may be specified per-page in current and maximum values.

    The basic structures of Mach's virtual memory implementation are: the resident
    page table, which keeps track of machine independent pages; address maps, or
    lists of map entries which describe a mapping from a range of addresses to a
    region of a memory object; memory objects, units of backing storage for pages;
    and the pmap, which hold machine dependent mapping data.

    Mach treats physical memory as a cache for the contents of vm objects. Each
    physical page entry may be simultaneously lined into several lists: memory
    object list, where all page entries associated with a given object are linked
    together in a memory object list to speed up object deallocation and virtual
    copy operations; a memory allocation queue, one each for free, reclaimable
    which are used by the paging daemon; and an object/offset hash bucket which
    allows fast lookup of physical pages at fault time. Byte offsets in memory
    objects allow Mach to different page sizes.

    To support copy-on-write, Mach has shadow objects, which are memory objects
    that hold modified pages originally belonging to another object. The shadow
    object only keeps the pages that have been written to, using the original
    object for unmodified pages. To support read/write sharing of memory, Mach
    has sharing maps, which provide a level of indirection in a task's address map.

    The ability of the architecture to handle multiprocessors and distributed
    operation seems quite forward-thinking for 1987. I'm curious why Mach was
    able to use a file for swapping, while Linux and *BSD still require a separate
    swap partition (as far as I know). Perhaps that's for performance.

    A testament to the success of this design it's adoption for the VM systems of
    4.4BSD Unix. In the version of FreeBSD that I work on, many of the structures
    have remained almost unchanged from this implementation (as far as I can

  • Next message: Cliff Schmidt: "Rashid et al. "Machine-Independent Virtual Memory Management for Paged Uniprocessor and Multiprocessor Architectures""

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