Review of the Emerald Paper (by Jul et al)...

From: Prasanna Kumar Jayapal (
Date: Wed Feb 04 2004 - 17:38:40 PST

  • Next message: Ian King: "Review: Jul et al., Fine-Grained Mobility in the Emerald System"

    This paper ("Fine-Grained Mobility in Emerald System") describes an
    object-oriented language and system, designed for the distributed
    applications. It talks about the benefits of object mobility, the
    Emerald language and run-time mechanisms and technique for implementing
    mobility that do not degrade the performance of local operations. In the
    end, it presents performance measurements drawing implications about the
    system design.

    The main goals of Emerald include support for fine-grained object
    mobility, efficient local execution and to have a single-object model.
    In Emerald, an Object consists of a unique name, associated data and
    references to other objects, a set of operations and an optional
    process. If an object contains a process, it is called an active object.
    Emerald supports abstract type and it has no class \ instance hierarchy.

    The authors stress on providing efficient and flexible support for
    mobile objects and, at the same time, obtain very efficient local
    access. As any system that implements distributed data, solutions are
    proposed to deal with problems like translation of references
    (disambiguation of non-local references and conversion of mobile
    references, in particular, including detecting references stored in
    activation records and processor registers) and concurrent global
    garbage collection.

    Emerald uses direct memory addresses, which is a performance
    optimization particularly for local invocations. The design also places
    the price of mobility on those who use it, so in some sense there's an
    equitable distribution of cost among users. The time taken by
    call-by-move and call-by-visit are much lower than a
    call-by-remote-reference and are performance optimizations with
    significant dividends. Emerald relies on garage collection to recover
    memory occupied by objects that are no longer reachable. In distributed
    environments this is a tricky issue as the object references can cross
    node boundaries.

    Emerald is evaluated by comparing it with a system that does not
    implement mobile objects, that is, where all references are explicitly
    resolved by message queries to the object's owner. The numbers were nice
    and the results show that this scheme reduces network traffic and
    application elapsed time. However, it would be interesting to know how
    much of the analysis stands when the computing speed (relative to
    network speed) becomes the decisive factor.

    Overall, this paper introduces the idea of migrating individual objects
    (complete address space), which I felt was an interesting concept and I
    enjoyed reading this paper.


  • Next message: Ian King: "Review: Jul et al., Fine-Grained Mobility in the Emerald System"

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