Review of "Fine-Grained Mobility in the Emerald System"

From: Cliff Schmidt (
Date: Wed Feb 04 2004 - 17:35:09 PST

  • Next message: Prasanna Kumar Jayapal: "Review of the Emerald Paper (by Jul et al)..."

    Emerald is a distributed object-based language and a system for
    supporting the language. While there had been research into process
    migration before, this appears to be the first paper describing a
    system with fine-grained mobility control; specifically, one that
    allows individual objects to be moved from node to node. The
    authors claim that this additional level of control allows
    improved invocation performance, garbage collection, and (obviously)
    data movement.

    My impressions within the first couple pages related to Java. I
    was wondering how close Java's RMI came to doing what was described
    here. Most people think of RMI (Remote Method Invocation) as only
    being an RPC tool, but I believe it can also be used to actually
    move objects (with restrictions around what kind of objects) from
    server to server. My other thought around Java is that there is a
    work being done within J2EE around making deployment easy, more
    configurable, and more flexible. My first impression of this work
    is that it appears to be an example of dynamic redeployment, or
    redeployment that doesn't require bringing down a service.

    One of the goals of Emerald was to have reasonably fast invocation
    times when the object is local. The paper explains that many
    existing process migration systems take on the order of
    milliseconds or tens of milliseconds for local calls. Another
    goal of Emerald was location transparency of the objects to the
    developer. By designing a smart compiler to determine the "needs
    of each object and generating an appropriate implementation" the
    language allows the programmer to be free of such concerns.

    Emerald objects are described to have a unique name, a
    representation (aka properties?), operations (or methods?), and
    an optional process (this is where I got a little confused --
    at first I thought operations included the process to execute the
    operation, but this may be making a distinction between interfaces
    and methods). Then the interesting twist (to me) was the absence
    of a class/instance hierarchy -- that each object carries its own
    code. This seems to make sense for a system designed for
    mobility. However, while an object carries its own code,
    identical objects can share the same code and no code is
    transferred when an object is transferred. Instead, only the
    object's process stack is transferred.

    The paper enumerates the primitives for mobility, but what I
    thought was especially interesting was how it dealt with
    determining "how much to move", or (this is probably a gross
    simplification, but...) how deep to copy. The "attached" keyword
    demonstrates another advantage of building this system around a
    language that can allow programmers to indicate what objects
    should move with others. I also found the modified mark-and-
    sweep garbage collection algorithm to be an interesting
    adaptation of existing methods.

    The authors also include a section of the paper to discuss how
    objects are found, which I was wondering about from the start.
    I was assuming there was some central registry that had to be
    checked with each invocation (potentially with local caches)
    and updated with each object move. Instead, they appear to
    have used a much more efficient design based on forwarding
    addresses with timestamps to determine the most recent one.
    When an object is called on a node where it no longer exists,
    a chain of forwarding links will eventually cause the runtime
    to find the object, which will then return its direct location
    to the caller piggybacked on the reply message.

  • Next message: Prasanna Kumar Jayapal: "Review of the Emerald Paper (by Jul et al)..."

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