Emerald Paper Review

From: Brian Milnes (brianmilnes_at_qwest.net)
Date: Wed Feb 04 2004 - 15:14:27 PST

  • Next message: Raz Mathias: "Review: Fine-Grained Mobility in the Emerald System"

    Fine Grained Mobility in the Emerald System - Jul, Levy, Hutchinson and

    Emerald is an operating system and object programming language designed to
    test object mobility. Emerald's compiler selects a representation for an
    object to allow it to be mobile and produces near C speed in function call.

    An Emerald object has name, a representation, methods and an optional
    process. The language has a concept of abstract type (signature) and
    concrete type (representation of code and data). The motion primitives are
    locate, move, fix, unfix and refix. The parameter passing is call by
    reference with an optional move annotation. The stack of activation records
    that makes up a process can be spread across multiple nodes.

    The design of the system favors local speed. The processes are implemented
    as light weight threads in a single shared memory address space and use both
    strict typing and checks for protection. Global objects are moveable
    independently, local objects must move with their global object and direct
    objects are the native representations that can not move. Objects are
    located using forwarding addresses. They have a global name and each node
    keeps a hash to the objects with a forwarding reference counter. If the
    object is unknown to the host a broadcast is used to track it down. This
    seems to limit the cluster of machines to a local area network.

    Objects have their pointers rewritten during move using compiler generated
    templates which show which objects must be followed and where the pointers
    are. The moving of an active object is much more complicated. The authors
    perform a stack linking when each process is preempted and use this stack
    link to move the required stack frames with the process. The registers of a
    call must also be saved, fixed in type during the call, and moved to move
    the calls. This should be a real disadvantage to a small register
    architecture such as the Intel x86.

    The system used mark and sweep garbage collectors: one for the local data
    and a distributed one. Objects that move are marked with a bit so the local
    collector leaves them intact. They sketch a distributed global garbage
    collector which has to deal with allowing processes to run while garbage
    collection progresses and hosts being unavailable. This seems the most
    complicated piece of the design and I wonder if it was ever built.

    They measure the performance first on basic operations such as remote
    invocation with a reference parameter. They produce times in the 10-60 ms
    range on a 10 Mb/s Ethernet which is pretty impressive.

    This is a fascinating idea that would benefit from an Opal like single
    shared address space. Moving processes is clearly a pretty useful idea and
    generalizing RPC like this to move the data would be quite nice in most
    systems that use RPC. However, the distributed garbage collection seems
    complicated and is not built or benchmarked. Also the concepts miss the
    replication of data which I suspect would be much more useful in the common

  • Next message: Raz Mathias: "Review: Fine-Grained Mobility in the Emerald System"

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