Review: Jul,, Emerald

From: Steve Arnold (
Date: Wed Feb 04 2004 - 14:49:46 PST

  • Next message: Brian Milnes: "Emerald Paper Review"

    The Emerald system is a platform and language for enabling object-level
    (fine-grained) mobility among many nodes. There had been past attempts
    at this, but the authors of this paper wanted to introduce some more
    concepts to really make this work. The advantages of this system, as
    then contend, are load balancing, performance, availability, data
    movement, and a couple of others.


    The Emerald system is built completely around objects, consisting of
    globally unique names, data, methods, and (sometimes) a process. The
    language has a new syntax, but one that would be fairly familiar to
    object-oriented programmers. They implemented a few primitives just for
    supporting mobility. This enables the programmer to easily (yet
    explicitly) move things around.


    Emerald relies heavily on shared memory. Pointers can be used, but they
    must be re-linked after moving. Sometimes objects that you need may move
    around, so they have provided ways of locating these objects using an
    object identifier. Moving is left largely up to the programmer, so that
    he or she can make decisions about where the best location for an object
    is. Much emphasis is given to garbage collection, since objects and
    dependencies can be all over the place. They have some clever methods
    for keeping track of this.


    There is a section on performance on this paper, but they mainly give
    raw numbers. They compare to those systems without mobility, although I
    didn't see much detail of this. The numbers were also relative to the
    hardware, and it would have been nice to see more comparisons.


  • Next message: Brian Milnes: "Emerald Paper Review"

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