Review:Implementing Remote Procedure Calls

From: Manish Mittal (
Date: Wed Jan 28 2004 - 17:21:36 PST

  • Next message: Tarik Nesh-Nash: ""Implementing Remote Procedure Calls" Review"

    This paper describes a package which provides a remote procedure call
    (RPC) facility and explains some of the design ideas and decisions
    involved in it. The basic motivation the authors provide for the
    implementation of an RPC package is to ease the process of writing
    distributed applications.


    RPCs are implemented using Stubs. From the user's standpoint, a normal
    procedure call has taken place, when in reality the control has been
    transferred to the local stub, which is responsible for packaging the
    arguments and handing them to the RPCRuntime. The runtime then transfers
    the arguments to the server, who receives them and gives them to the
    server stub, who unpacks the arguments for local execution. This
    procedure is executed again, in reverse order to return the function
    result. The appropriate stubs can be automatically generated by a tool.
    Before a procedure may be remotely called on a server, it must be
    explicitly made available by "exporting" the interface using RPCRuntime.
    The interface consists of a "type" (abstraction of the available
    service) and "instance" (unique to a single machines exported interface)
    and is managed via Grapevine databases. A "user" (importer) wishing to
    make an RPC call must bind to an exporter. The importer calls its
    user-stub which in turn specifies the desired interface type and
    instance to RPCRuntime, which uses Grapevine to determine the server
    address. If a call is made by specifying an interface type without an
    instance then Grapevine will attempt to locate the closest exporter of
    that interface.

    In the implementation of the protocol, the author's tries to make the
    RPC semantics to be as close as that of the local procedure calls. This
    is achieved in a number of ways. For example, the RPC protocol does not
    use timeouts i.e. a given process could only make one RPC at a time. The
    paper also discusses a number of ways to optimize the performance of
    RPC. Subsequent packets are used for implicit acknowledgment of previous
    packets, this way the costs of maintaining connections are minimized.
    The authors try to avoid costs of establishing and terminating
    connections. Furthermore, data are encrypted when they are transmitted
    on the network. The concept of 'Probe' packets is also noteworthy. Since
    there are no timeouts in the RPC protocol, client can check if the
    server has crashed by asking for explicit acknowledgement of "probe"

    The authors give experimental data on the performance of remote
    procedure calls versus local calls. RPCs are orders of magnitude slower
    than local calls, but then the RPCs are not meant to compete directly
    with local calls. Rather, the advantages of RPC's will be realized in
    distributed applications.



  • Next message: Tarik Nesh-Nash: ""Implementing Remote Procedure Calls" Review"

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