Review: Implementing Remote Procedure Calls

From: Raz Mathias (
Date: Wed Jan 28 2004 - 16:24:36 PST

  • Next message: Manish Mittal: "Review:Implementing Remote Procedure Calls"

    This was a basic paper summarizing the issues in implementing remote
    procedure calls. The ideal maintained throughout was that RPC's should
    maintain the same semantics as regular procedure calls.


    The paper introduced the basic mechanism of RPC calls. The simple idea
    is that procedure calls are intercepted at the client side by a "client
    stub." The stub passes the call to the RPC subsystem which marshals the
    procedure call and parameters over to the server's RPC subsystem, which
    calls into the server stub and finally into the procedure itself.
    Returning a result is the reverse of this process. The paper described
    how to detect both client and server crashes using the unique id and
    sequence numbers, respectively. It briefly went over the problem of
    mimicking remote exceptions by having the client stub raise them in a
    manner indistinguishable from local procedure calls.


    The importance of a directory system was put forth in this paper.
    Grapevine was used as the networked directory system for looking up
    bindings (on-the-network implementations of instances and interfaces for
    procedure calls). Although such a system would not scale up to Internet
    scales, a directory service is a useful concept in deployments the size
    of large corporations. Three alternatives for binding were listed,
    binding to an interface (with any instance on any machine), to an
    instance (running on any machine) or to a network address (which is the
    most restrictive). In trying to achieve procedural semantics, it seemed
    to me that the authors could have gone a step farther to say that the
    bindings needn't even be set explicitly by the calling application
    (regular procedure calls don't require bindings). A central database on
    the client machine can hold the bindings. They can be configured by a
    separate application separate of the app doing the RPC's. This would be
    akin to the model of creating a configuration file, etc. Bindings can be
    resolved at the same layer where they are issued.


    The idea of a networked virtual memory paging mechanism to achieve a
    global shared memory space was a new one to me. Although this paper
    didn't directly speak to such an implementation, (and in fact rejected
    such an approach for performance reasons) it would be interesting to
    look up the references to others that do.


    The paper began by listing the basic problems encountered when
    implementing RPC's. The set of issues included sharing pointer-rich
    data, machine/communication failures, integration of RPC into existing
    systems, binding, protocols, data integrity, and security. These issues
    basically encompass the computer science topic of distributed computing
    in general and could not possibly be addressed fully in this paper, and
    in fact most were not. The paper mentioned that the various layers were
    not kept separate for the purpose of optimizing the system. An example
    of where this was not a good idea was the description of the transfer
    protocol. The only "advantage" it really put forth was the fact that
    RPC results are ACK's for RPC requests; a simple implementation of the
    TCP protocol would ensure this optimization. The paper stated that no
    "ping requests" were required to keep the connection alive (as this
    paper claimed that there is no real concept of a connection), and yet on
    the very next page it introduced the concept of a "probe" to determine
    whether the computation was still running on the remote machine.
    Without some sort of windowing, the transmission protocol introduced
    here would have done horribly on large buffers (although it does,
    commendably, admit to this flaw near the end of the paper).


    The overview of the mechanisms in this paper (RPC and the Grapevine
    directory system) is still relevant today with COM and the Active
    Directory as an example. Unfortunately, the discussion of the
    transmission protocol and the cursory way in which the topics were
    glossed over made this paper seem "watered down" and my least favorite
    so far.


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