"Flexible Proportional-Share Resource Management" Review

From: Tarik Nesh-Nash (tarikn_at_microsoft.com)
Date: Wed Jan 28 2004 - 03:49:00 PST

  • Next message: Cliff Schmidt: "Review of Waldspurger and Weihl's, "Lottery Scheduling: Flexible Proportional-Share Resource Management""

    This paper presents an innovative scheduling method: the lottery
    scheduling. This system permits to control the relative execution rates
    of computations. The model can be used in different applications where
    a queue scheduling may be applied.

    The paper starts by introducing the problem of scheduling in
    multithreading system and discusses the limitations of the current
    implementations. It then discusses the concept of the lottery
    scheduling and the mechanism of modular resource management. An
    overview of the implementation is discussed followed by a number of
    experiments and tests of this concept on other fields.

    Overall this method seems original and has many advantages comparing to
    current systems, however, I would argue about the following points (we
    can discuss them in class):

    - The lottery scheduling is not deterministic.

    - What is the debugging story?

    - I did not like the style of the "experiments" and "Managing
    diverse resources". The idea was proven theoretically, the experiments
    results did not have any added value since they vary based on the



  • Next message: Cliff Schmidt: "Review of Waldspurger and Weihl's, "Lottery Scheduling: Flexible Proportional-Share Resource Management""

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