Review of lottery scheduling paper

From: Praveen Rao (
Date: Tue Jan 27 2004 - 22:03:20 PST

  • Next message: Tarik Nesh-Nash: ""Flexible Proportional-Share Resource Management" Review"

    Lottery scheduling is a resource allocation mechanism. It provides
    efficient, responsive control over the relative execution rates of
    computations. It also provides modular resource management by enabling
    concurrent modules to isolate their resource allocation policies from
    each other. Lottery scheduling can be use to manage resources other than
    CPU as well.


    Lottery scheduling efficiently implements proportional-share resource
    management, wherein the resource consumption rates of active
    computations are proportional to relative shares they are allocated.


    Basic idea is that resource rights are represented by tickets. Each
    allocation is determined by a lottery - the winning ticket is granted
    the resource. The probability of a client winning a lottery is
    proportional to the number of tickets it holds.


    Modular resource management is easily incorporated by concepts like
    ticket transfers, ticket inflation, ticket currencies and compensation
    tickets. For example, a client calling a server can transfer its tickets
    increasing the chances of server getting the resource. Ticket inflation
    implies that a client can allocate or deallocate more tickets. As such
    this would be unfair but it provides flexibility in case of mutually
    trusting clients. Ticket currencies allow expressing of resource rights
    in units that are local to a group of mutually trusting clients. Each
    currency has to be backed by base currency, which represents the actual
    shares of resources. The currencies can actually form an arbitrary
    acyclic graph. The currencies would have exchange rate wrt to the base
    currencies and that will represent the actual "worth" of the currency to
    get favored in resource allocation. A client that consumed only fraction
    of its allocated time quantum is granted compensation tickets that will
    increase its favorability during the next allocation. This can be useful
    for I/O bound tasks and make them responsive.


    In my opinion, this modularity is very powerful and can't be easily
    achieved by the conventional resource allocation policies.


    The paper argues that this scheme would never lead to starvation as any
    client holding any tickets would eventually win a lottery. I am not
    convinced of this. The probabilistic distribution can only
    asymptotically guarantee this and in the most pathological case
    starvation can happen even of a higher priority computation.


    The paper then discusses implementation of these concepts in Mach 3.0


    Authors discuss the experiment done to validate the ability of lottery
    scheduling to flexibly, responsively and efficiently control relative
    rates of computations. Authors take the example of Monte Carlo
    simulations to validate the flexibility - the intent in this case being
    - increasing resource allocation to new simulations and lowering
    resource allocation to the running the existing simulations that are
    converging towards a smaller error. Authors discuss using ticket tansfer
    in client-server scenarios and ticket allocation for QoS in multimedia
    application. All these highlight the flexibility that this algorithm
    provides. Authors discuss load insulation to highlight the modularity
    possible with this algorithm - a set of computations inflate their
    currencies when they allow more computations to join in but this has no
    effect of another set of computations that use different currency.


    Authors argue that lottery scheduling is very lightweight since a
    tree-based lottery need only generate a random number and perform log(n)
    addition and comparisons to select a winner amongst n clients.


    Authors discuss that lottery scheduling can also be use to manage other
    resources. One interesting example was using it for lock access. Similar
    to client server example waiting threads transfer their tickets to the
    thread holding the lock resulting in effectively boosting prioritization
    of the thread holding the lock. When the thread releases the lock, it
    again hold lottery to pick the thread to which to transfer the lock


    Lottery scheduling can be used not only for time-shared resources but
    also for the space shared resources, e.g. memory. In this case the
    notion is inverted - loser of the lottery is chosen to given up a unit
    of resource it holds.


    Overall it sounds like a powerful idea, though managing sets of mutually
    trusting computations (which can form currency domains) seems
    challenging for the OS.

  • Next message: Tarik Nesh-Nash: ""Flexible Proportional-Share Resource Management" Review"

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