Review of scheduler activations

From: Muench, Joanna (
Date: Mon Jan 26 2004 - 15:18:11 PST

  • Next message: Raz Mathias: "Server Activations Review"

    Anderson, et al (1992) present an interesting approach to controlling
    parallelism with a combination of user-level and kernel threads. The paper
    motivates the approach by illustrating the problems with supporting threads
    either at the user level or within the kernel. User-level threads are
    extremely flexible but can have performance problems under multiple
    processors. Meanwhile kernel threads must have extensive protections built
    into them, and thus are heavy weight. The proposed solution attempts to find
    the best of both worlds in creating a threading system using both user-level
    and kernel threads.

    The solution implements a clever use of user-level threads connected to the
    kernel via scheduler activation. This allows user-level threads to progress
    pretty much as they would under a uniprocessor. If the kernel needs to
    reallocate resources it can terminate a user-level thread through the
    scheduler. If processors are available, the kernel upcalls into the user
    level regarding availability. The kernel does not directly resume a stopped
    thread; instead the user-level thread system takes on this responsibility.
    The system uses recovery to deal with the problem of inopportune preemption
    by temporarily continuing within a user-level context switch.

    The actual implementation of this system on top of the Topaz OS using the
    FastThreads package required only a moderate amount of code. The
    implementation supported Topaz kernel threads to preserve compatibility with
    existing applications. An important feature of the implementation is that
    applications can choose their own concurrency policy, although a default
    policy is provided. I found the implementation of a recovery solution
    extremely interesting and somewhat surprising. But, by identifying critical
    sections ahead of time and copying them, a thread within a critical section
    can be moved into the copy of the critical section with no impact on lock

    The performance of this system wasn't stellar in comparison to the original
    FastThreads, but did show promise when running on six processors (the most
    available) with I/O calls. Under this scenario the modified FastThreads can
    exploit the available parallelism to overcome some of the I/O latency.

    This was a very interesting and informative paper. The first section
    provided an excellent overview of the issues of user-level and kernel
    thread; I was amused to find some of that discussion echoed in a recent
    edition of Stallings's OS text, along with a reproduction of Table I. The
    rest of the paper required careful reading to understand some of the more
    subtle points of scheduler activation and the recovery system.

  • Next message: Raz Mathias: "Server Activations Review"

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