Scheduler Activations Review

From: Brian Milnes (
Date: Mon Jan 26 2004 - 15:12:14 PST

  • Next message: Muench, Joanna: "Review of scheduler activations"

    Scheduler Activations: Effective Kernel Support for the User-Level
    Management of Parallelism - Anderson, Bershad, Lazowska and Levy

                The authors propose, build and measure an improved model for
    building user level threads. The model is Hyrda-like in that they provide a
    kernel with a new scheduling abstraction, Scheduler Activations, that allows
    the user level code to implement the policy of scheduling.

    The strengths of user level threads have been flexibility and speed in
    systems like FastThreads. Kernel level thread implementations suffer in
    performance because every thread operation is a kernel boundary crossing.
    Also when you build user level threads on kernel level threads, the kernel
    time slices without any idea of the user thread's state. This can causes
    synchronization problems and wastes CPU on lock spinning and idles
    processes on IO.

    The user space process is presented with an abstract virtual machine of
    processors. A single scheduler activation is created and upcalled into the
    user space scheduler. The scheduler activation has a control block, a user
    space stack and a kernel space stack. When the kernel has free CPUs or
    requires one back it upcalls the scheduler to inform it of scheduling
    changes. When the user level threads block into the kernel, the kernel
    upcalls back into the scheduler telling it that it has another process to
    schedule. This allows the user space scheduler to make informed decisions
    about its blocking and resource availability.

    The most complicated aspect of this model is how synchronization problems
    are handled. The kernel might interrupt a user thread holding a lock such as
    the per processor ready queue causing spinning or even deadlock. Instead of
    expensive communication with the kernel on a warning call or a shared
    variable, when the kernel informs a scheduler that a thread has been
    preempted, it checks to see if it was in a critical section and if so the
    scheduler lets it run out and then preempts this. They implement this in a
    compiler/assembler processing of these critical sections which produces a
    fast but complicated system of code duplication.

     Their implementation was rather small, only about 1KLOC (25%) increase in
    kernel thread scheduling code, small changes only to FastThreads and could
    coexist with Topaz threads. The overhead compared to a pure user level
    FastThreads was small, but the cost of the upcalls was significant. The
    authors attribute this to the non-native implementation of scheduler
    activations which were keeping extra state.

    This is a great improvement to pure user level thread or Solaris's kernel
    threads. The Linux kernel people have not implemented, opting for native
    posix threads. Their design documentation discusses why scheduler
    activations are too hard to add to Linux. But they do not handle the
    problems that a 1-to-1 scheduler still has such as idling when user/kernel
    thread blocks on IO (

  • Next message: Muench, Joanna: "Review of scheduler activations"

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