Week #1 | Elements of ML Programming: Ch. 1-3, 4.1, 5-6, 7.1, 7.3 |
Week #2 | Elements of ML Programming: Ch. 8.1-8.3, 8.5.1-8.5.2, 8.5.5 Basic Polymorphic Typechecking (Cardelli) |
Week #3 | Types and Programming Languages: Ch. 2 (as needed), Ch. 3 (skim
over lemmas and proofs, but pay attention to theorems), Ch. 5, Ch. 8, Ch.
9, skim Ch. 11 (to see how standard things can be added) Simply-Typed Lambda Calculus handout (Millstein) |
Week #4 | Types and Programming Languages: Ch. 20.1, 23.1-23.6, 23.8 |
Week #5 | Nothing! |
Week #6 | Self: The Power of Simplicity (Ungar & Smith) |
Week #7 | The Cecil Language: Specification and Rationale (html, postscript, gziped postscript), Ch. 1-3 (you can skip over sections about predicate objects and precedence declarations) |
Week #8 | The Cecil Language: Specification and Rationale, Ch. 4 |
Week #8 | Modular typechecking for hierarchically extensible datatypes and functions (Millstein et al.) |