Welcome to CSE599X: Molecular Information Systems with Luis Ceze, Karin Strauss and Jeff Nivala. Your TAs are Lee Organick and Callie Bee.

Course Overview


Each session will focus on one assigned paper, to be presented by students in the class. Slides will be posted after class.

Date Topic & Readings HW
April 1

Introduction to basic concepts - DNA/proteins basics, PCR, sequencing, synthesis, etc. - Paper presentation assignments - Project ideas/brainstorming

  • None
April 3

Project pitches + team formation

  • None
April 8

Paper discussion - DNA data storage overview and foundational papers (Matt and Lee)

  • Readings
April 10

Paper discussion - DNA data random access (Lee and JeffM)

  • Readings
April 15

Paper discussion - DNA data storage encoding (Melissa and Ashley)

  • Readings
April 17

Paper discussion - DNA near-data computing (Callie)

  • Readings
April 22

Paper discussion - DNA computing with strand displacement overview (Nick)

  • Readings
April 24

Project midterm update # 1

  • Project update
April 29

Paper discussion - DNA DSD computing neural networks (Aishwarya)

  • Readings
May 1

Paper discussion - DNA DSD computing for data (Gus and Jason)

  • Readings
May 6

Paper discussion - Wetlab Automation + Programming Languages (Ashley and JeffM)

  • Readings
May 8

Paper discussion - Nanopore sensing overview (Justin)

  • Readings
May 13

Midterm project updates 2

  • Project updates
May 15

Midterm project updates 2

  • Project updates
May 20

Paper discussion - Nanopore Sequencing Basecalling + optimizing DNA data storage for nanopore (Matt)

  • Readings
May 22

Paper discussion - Nanopore Molecular Apps (Katie and Jessica)

  • Readings
May 27

Paper discussion - DNA-of-things (Fanny)

  • Readings
May 29

Paper discussion - CyBio security (Melissa)

  • Readings
June 3

Project presentations

  • Presentation
June 5

Project presentations

  • Presentation