Autumn 2001

Recursion Activities

During the October 30 class session, students were encouraged to create an activity about a recursive process that targets a certain learning style.  Tammy has transcribed their notes that appear on this page.  The activity asked students to create a mini-lecture or an activity focusing on a recursive process.

Designers:  Dutch Meyer, Antoine McNamara
Learning Style:  Sensing
Precondition of Students:  students have seen recursion in lecture

Present some examples of recursion in the real world:
Russian Dolls (dolls that fit inside one another, the smallest doll is the base case)
Mirrors opposing each other (infinite recursion, no base case)

Put a set of instructions on the overhead or board:
1)  If you receive one card, pass it back.
2)  If you receive more than one card, pass it forward and take one.
3)  When a stack of cards is returned to you, insert your card so that the stack is sorted.

Give one student the unsorted stack.

Designers:  Harlan Hile, Sangyun Hahn
Learning Style:  Active
Precondition of Students:  students have seen recursion in lecture

Show the given program for factorial:

define factorial(num):
    if num == 1
        return 1
        return num * factorial(num - 1)

Ask the students to trace the computation for factorial(5) in any way they'd like in a small group.

Ask the following questions:
1)  What if you don't have a base case?  What would happen?
2)  What makes this computation recursive?

Ask students to come up with fibonacci algorithm in groups.

Note that recursion is a good technique for tree traversal (real world use).
Contrast recursion with iterative methods, showing an iterative process for calculating factorial.

Designers:  Andy Schwerin, Andrei Alexandrescu, Veronica Yao
Learning Style:  Inductive
Precondition of Students:  students have seen recursion in lecture

1)  Explain one example of a recursive process.
2)  Have students come up with the recursive algorithm for other examples in groups:  factorial, detecting palindromes, fibonacci sequence, pascal's triangle, binary search.
3)  Connect vocabulary and concepts of recursion to the steps of the recursive solution to examples.
4)  Talk about the iteration versus tail recursion and their equivalence.
5)  Ask why we would want to use recursion.  Hard examples for iteration, much easier to use recursion, breaking into groups.  Processes for which to use recursion:  merge sort, printing singly-linked lists, printing/traversing trees, parsing grammars.

Designers:  Steve Wolfman, Andrew Petersen
Learning Style:  Visual
Precondition of Students:  students have seen or are seeing recursion for the first time in lecture

Activity about factorial:

1)  Select a non-volunteer (It's tough to get volunteers in a course like 143).
2)  Tell him/her that he/she knows 1!.
3)  Select a new non-volunteer.  Announce that he/she knows 2!.
4)  How does the volunteer selected in step (3) know 2!?  Maybe ask 1! for his/her answer and multiply by 2.
5)  Continue with 3!, 4! etc.

Designers:  Jon Ko, Nick Deibel
Learning Style:  Intuitive
Precondition of Students:  no previous experience with recursion

1)  Show the factorial example and write the formula on the board.
2)  Avoid the complete calculation.
3)  Let students think about how one might calculate 5!.
4)  Show actual recursive algorithm that calculates factorial.
5)  Challenge the students to write the algorithm in code and understand the process.

Designers:  Amol Prakash, Mausam
Learning Style:  Reflective
Precondition of Students:  students have not seen recursion yet

Show recursion step by step:

1) I.H. (Induction Hypothesis)
2) Base Case
3) Computation Tree
4) Stack
5) Higher Order

Each step is motivated by an example, for which they are given a minute or more to think and then tell them about the step.

For I.H. : the title suggest that.
For Base Cases:  Factorial (They should be motivated to ask about factorial(0)).
For Tree:  Calculation of factorial step by step
For Stack:  n^n
Higher Order:  Fibonacci

Designers:  Adrien Treuille, Konrad Lorincz, Rick Cox
Learning Style:  Sensing
Precondition of Students:  no previous experience with recursion

Give students an example of tracing a factorial call.

    5 * fac(4)
            4 * fac(3)
                    3 * fac(2)
                            2 * fac(1)
                                    1 * fac(0)

Then have students do a similar trace for calculating a fibonacci number.

Designers:  Colin Zheng, Sam Li, Luna Dong, Ben Stewart
Learning Style:  Visual
Precondition of Students:  no previous experience with recursion

1)  Give students definition of fibonacci numbers.
2)  Ask students to take on roles of different fibonacci numbers (F0, F1, F2, F3, etc.)
3)  Ask the 10th student who represents F9 what his/her value is.  This person then asks F8 and F7 what their values are which then leads to more question-asking until we reach the base base.  Once a person gets a value, he/she reports it to the person who originally asked for it.

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