Learning Styles Activity

590IT -- Autumn 2001

Group names:


In your group please design an activity on the topic of RECURSION to target the learning style circled below.

sensing            intuitive
visual               verbal
inductive         deductive
active               reflective
sequential       global

You might want to refer to the article "Reaching the Second Tier: Learning and Teaching Styles in College Science Education" by Richard M. Felder for examples of activities in a chemistry course that target certain learning styles.


1.  Please focus on a recursive process (as opposed to a recursive data structure) for the content of the activity that you are designing.  The activity may include a presentation made by the instructor.

2.  Brainstorm possible ideas for activities relating to recursion that target the learning style circled above.  (To help you get started, here are possible general activities:  programming problems, conceptual questions, dramas (designed by students and/or acted out by students), artwork, investigative data experiments, case studies, flowcharts, games/puzzles.)

3.  When designing your activity, please be sure to identify the precondition of the activity:

(1) students have seen recursion in a previous lecture
(2) students have not been exposed to recursion previously
(3) students have seen recursion in another class and this activity serves as a review
(4) something else -- please list:

4.  If you plan to use code in your activity, pseudocode is perfectly reasonable.

Name of Activity:


Activity Design: