CSE/EE 576: Computer Vision
Spring 2017
MW 1:30-2:50, EEB 037
Instructor: Linda
Office: 634 Allen Center, Phone: 206-543-2196, Email: shapiro@cs.washington.edu
Office Hours: Wednesday 3:00-4:00 in CSE 634 and by appointment
Teaching Assistants
Notes and Assignments
Useful Links
Class Mailing List and Discussion Board
- All emails related to the class are sent through the class
mailing list cse576a_sp17@uw.edu.
- You can use class discussion board to post messages about the course, homeworks or general computer vision topics.
- Assignment submission link -Dropbox
Related Texts
Course Details
- Topics:
- Filtering, Sampling, Edge Finding, Transformations
- Color, Texture, Segmentation
- Interest Points and Region Descriptors
- Image Stitching
- Machine Learning
- Object Detection and Recognition
- Content-Based Image Retreival
- Cameras, Stereo, Reconstruction
- Motion, Optical Flow
- 3D Shape
- Applications
- Evaluation: (Tentative)
- Homework Assignments: 50%
- Final Project: 30%
- Exams (1): 20%
Late Homework Policy
Each assignment will have a regular due date and a late due date. Late
homework will be accepted up until the late deadline, but with 10% off per
day. For example, if the late deadline is 2 days past the regular due date
and you hand in the assignment one day late, you lose 10% and if two days
late, you lose 20%. Each student gets one "free" late day for the whole
Student Conduct Code
The Student Conduct Code explains that admission to the University carries with it the presumption that students will practice high standards of professional honesty and integrity (WAC 478-120-020 [2]). In particular, all work (homework and exams) is to be your own individual work. You may discuss programs but NOT copy any code. You may not discuss exams.