Steam-powered Turing Machine University of Washington Department of Computer Science & Engineering
 CSE574 Project Proposals
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Here are the project proposals you submitted.

  • Extracting and Mining Cross-Lingual Wikipedia - Michael Skinner, Eytan Adar [pdf]
  • Extracted Information Verification - Peng Dai [html]
  • Awareness for consensus-seeking: A mixed-initiative approach to summarizing discussion in Wikipedia - Travis Kriplean [pdf]
  • Ways of interacting with the user to validate results from Kylin - Saleema Amershi, Kayur Patel [html]
  • Automatically detecting conflicting statements using TextRunner - Alan Ritter [pdf]
  • Active Learning in Wikipedia - Aniruddh Nath [html]
  • Universial 2-D information extraction from the Web - Jue Wang [html]
  • Temporal extraction - Shaid Razzaq [pdf]
  • Using TextRunner to Expand Autonomous Semantic Extractions from Wikipedia - Cynthia Matuszek [html]

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