
From: Parag (parag_at_cs.washington.edu)
Date: Fri Apr 11 2003 - 11:02:32 PDT

  • Next message: Nan Li: "HSP(r)"

    Planning as Heuristic Search: New Results
    Blai Bonet and Hector Geffner

    The paper presents a new approach for heuristic search planning
    which significantly improvements over the HSP planner by introducing
    the regression search in place of the forward search for the goal state.
    It also puts forward the idea that well known planners like
    Graphplan could be viewed as Heuristic search planners.

    The paper clearly identifies the bottolneck in the heuristic
    search planner that is the computation of the heuristic function
    for every state which takes up most of the time. The authors
    introduce the idea of regression(backward) search
    which overcomes this problem. The results have been
    given comparing the performance of two approaches which
    clearly show significant improvement in the later approach.

    Another important contribution of the paper is the idea
    that well known planners like Graphplan could be viewed
    as heuristic search planners. It could give a lot of insight
    into the way graphplan(and possible other planners) work and
    the way they could be improved.

    Though above idea seems quite interesting, the prorblem
    is that authors give a very hand waivy argument to the
    proof which does not take us too far. It would have
    been much better had they tried to do it formally. Also,
    no experiments have been reported which compare the performance
    of HSPr with graphplan, which would probably have thrown
    more light on the above idea.

    There could be several directions for future work for
    example finding an admissible heuristic function which
    is informative as well. But the key to imporvement might
    lie in the idea of how one could view general planners
    as heuristic planners giving a lot of insight
    into how one could improve the HSPr and the as well
    as planners in general.

  • Next message: Nan Li: "HSP(r)"

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