
From: Daniel Hasselrot (
Date: Fri Apr 11 2003 - 10:57:19 PDT

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    Planning as Heuristic Search: New Results


    Blai Bonet and Héctor Geffner

    One-line summary:

    Speeding up planning by heuristic search planning by searching backward
    from the goal states to the initial state.

    Important ideas:

    In an ordinary heuristic search planner the heuristic depends on the state
    s, and needs to be recomputed at every new state. By searching backwards
    from the goal states, over the regression space, the heuristic only needs
    to be calculated once for each atom and can be used to estimate the
    heuristic at any state. This speeds up the search.

    When searching over the regression space states, which cannot reach the
    initial state s0 and thus not lead to a solution, are often encountered.
    To avoid these states a set of mutually exclusive relations (mutexes) are
    kept. These are relations between two atoms where no reachable state will
    contain them both. To find the set mutexes the paper starts with a set of
    probable mutexes and removes the ones who doesn't meet the mutex
    conditions. Using mutexes enables pruning many of the nodes in the search
    tree and speeds up the search.

    Biggest flaws:

    The paper is lacking examples.

    Open research questions:

    Finding a better heuristic that’s informative and admissible. This would
    lead to faster searches and the possibility to use an optimal search
    algorithm as for example IDA*.

    Apply the HSPr on other modeling languages so that more complex planning
    problems can be solved.

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