Planning as Heuristic Search: New Results

From: Kevin Sikorski (
Date: Thu Apr 10 2003 - 23:19:45 PDT

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    Planning as Heuristic Search: New Results
    Blai Bonet and Hector Geffner

    This paper describes incorporates heuristic-guided greedy search and
    Graphplan-style mutexes in a competative Heuristic Search Planner.

    The (two) most important ideas in the paper, and why:

    The authors acknowledge that one of Graphplan's strengths comes from the
    fact that its use of mutexes allows it to ignore many useless regions of
    the search space, speeding planning. They incorporate a mutex-finding
    strategy which is similar in intent, but quite different in

    HSPr provides an improvement over vanilla Heuristic Search Planners by not
    requiring that the heuristic value of a node is recomputed. Instead, the
    values of the function at each node are cached, saving up to 85% of the
    computation time.

    The one or two largest flaws in the paper:

    HSPr does not directly compute mutex pairs, but instead uses an approach
    to find "most" of them. There is no discussion or summary of what
    percentage of mutexes are found, which would be helpful. This also
    suggests a class of problems for which HSPr would perform poorly: Simply
    create a problem where a large proportion of mutexes are not found by this

    The authors admit that memory consumption is a problem with this
    algorithm. It is not clear if this problem affects HSPr more that
    Graphplan or SATplan or other similar planners, nor do they discuss how
    this may be fixed. Also, they don't describe what parts of the algorithm
    are responsible for the excess memory usage.

    Identify two important, open research questions on the topic,
    and why they matter:

    HSPr currently uses what amounts to a shortest-path heuristic. The
    authors point out that this heuristic is inadmissible, but in most cases
    works well. They also propose an admissible heuristic, which is much less
    informative. One could spend extra effort finding better, more
    informative, admissible heuristics, or perhaps finding ways to combine
    multiple, easy-to-compute heuristics into a single, informative and
    admissible heuristic. Perhaps this can be done by ignoring most of the
    delete-lists, instead of ignoring all of them?

    The authors do not directly all mutexes in HSPr, rather, they quickly
    produce many of the mutexes in the problem. This is essentially a point
    in the space of trade-offs between speed in computing the mutex set, and
    how much of the true mutex set is recovered. One could try to find a
    better strategy for finding mutexes, either taking a similar amount of
    computation time but finding more mutexes, or taking significantly more
    time but finding far more mutexes.

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