Planning as Heuristic Search

From: Alexander Yates (
Date: Thu Apr 10 2003 - 23:13:27 PDT

  • Next message: Kevin Sikorski: "Planning as Heuristic Search: New Results"

    Review of "Planning as Heuristic Search: New Results", by Blai Bonet and
    Hector Geffner.

    This paper tries to revive the paradigm of heuristic search for planning by
    describing a method for automatically extracting heuristics from STRIPS
    planning problem descriptions and giving a fast algorithm for planning using
    these heuristics.

    The main contribution of this paper, in combination with the results on HSP,
    is to show that heuristic search can compete with some of the best planners
    that use other methods. In support of this result it describes a
    new-and-improved HSPr that uses a greedy-best-first search in the reverse
    direction, non-temporal mutexes for pruning the search space, and a more
    efficient heuristic calculation for the regression search that enables
    faster node generation during the search. The others also cast Graphplan as
    a particular kind of heuristic search as further evidence that heuristic
    search is a viable option for planning. The efficient heuristic calculation
    is another key innovation in this paper, since the heuristic calculation
    made node generation in HSP several orders of magnitude slower than other
    planners. While the others don't give explicit numbers anywhere about how
    much faster the node generation is in HSPr, they say that its fast enough to
    use a systematic (which I took to mean complete) algorithm, instead of
    hill-climbing. The trick to the faster heuristic calculation was that the
    regression search allowed them to calculate the estimated cost of getting
    from the initial state to any proposition, independent of the current search
    state. These costs can be computed once, and then the cost of any search
    node can be computed very rapidly from them.

    I found the experimental results for HSPr unconvincing, mainly because they
    showed HSPr greatly outperforming Blackbox on a series of problems where HSP
    also mostly outperformed Blackbox, and as the table a few pages before that
    showed, Blackbox outperformed HSP in the AIPS competition. Taking these two
    tables together, I would say that the authors had only given evidence that
    HSPr was effective in one kind of domain.

    One obvious aspect of Graphplan and Blackbox that HSP(r) does not have is
    the ability to find parallel plans. I would expect that allowing parallel
    plans would not only have the potential to speed up search by decreasing the
    depth of search, it might also make the "max" heuristic (which is
    admissible, as opposed to their "sum" heuristic) more informative because
    the search would have the ability to collapse independent subgoals into
    simultaneous actions.

    Another thing that this paper made me curious about was the effectiveness of
    other search algorithms. It would be interesting to see an experimental
    comparison of algorithms like A*, IDA*, BFS, and HSPr on a broad range of
    problems in order to understand whether the idea of greedy BFS really is a
    good idea or not, and if it is, it would be interesting to see an analysis
    of why it outperforms A*.

    Alex Yates

  • Next message: Kevin Sikorski: "Planning as Heuristic Search: New Results"

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