SATPLAN: review

From: Sumit Sanghai (
Date: Tue Apr 08 2003 - 11:20:11 PDT

  • Next message: Kevin Sikorski: "Automatic SAT-Compilation of Planning Problems"

    Automatic SAT-Compilation of Planning Problems
    --M. Ernst and T. Millstein and D. Weld

    Summary : The paper presents several ideas for automatic compliation of
    planning problems into SAT problems.

    Ideas : The important ideas presented in the paper are the different
    techniques to represent the planning problems as SAT problems. The paper
    does not focus on anyone technique and instead comapres the advs/disadvs
    of different representations. Some of the interesting ones were the
    classical and explanatory frame axioms, and the simple and overloaded
    split. The experiments also pointed some interesting observations such as
    regular representation is as good as the split ones, and factoring,
    parallelization and type optimizations are important.

    Flaws : The paper doesn't talk about the complexity of the problems on
    which the testing was done and why exactly would regular do better than
    the split representation. As people have suggested before Fig 6 looks
    extremely confusing and there should have been separate graphs analysing
    the various observations. Finally, the paper lacks any substantial idea
    about the disparity in running times of the various representations.

    Future Work : Since the representations discussed work for a given path
    length, the paper uses binary search (along with no-ops) to get a
    solution. A future work could be to come up with representations which are
    independent of path length(easier said than done though :) or which work
    by intelligently guessing a feasible path length (which is not too large).
    The authors also mention that domain dependent optimization is one of the
    key reasons why the original SATPlan ran fast. Thus, a possible direction
    could be to look at automated techniques for reconginizing various domain
    dependent optimizations (which again seems a tough task).


  • Next message: Kevin Sikorski: "Automatic SAT-Compilation of Planning Problems"

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