Automated Satplan

From: MAUSAM (
Date: Tue Apr 08 2003 - 10:57:15 PDT

  • Next message: Sumit Sanghai: "SATPLAN: review"

    Automated SAT-Compilation of Planning Problems
    Ernst, Millstein and Weld

    This paper extends the SATPLAN work by Kautz and Selman to generate
    automatic SAT encodings of domains expressed in STRIPS representation.

    There were a bunch of important ideas in the paper. The paper mentioned
    different types of encodings including various split encodings which
    might be useful in reducing the number of literals. Moreover, the paper
    discussed different ways to generate the axioms. The authors also realised
    that sometimes one could use split encodings to our advantage by factoring
    the axioms thus reducing the size of SAT encoding. Finally the authors
    mentioned several optimisations that could be employed to reduce the size
    of the encoding like a consistency analysis of fluents which could be true
    (or false) etc.

    The experiments although done comprehensively have not been done with a
    clear thought behind. The authors test everything on every problem they
    consider. This leads the graphs to be highly confusing (as there are many
    data points) and it becomes difficult to gather meaningful conclusions
    from them. Some of the surprising results like split encodings are not
    helpful compared to the regular ones should have been dealt in more
    detail. It seems that there is major trade-off between number of
    literals and size of encoding going on here.

    The authors mentioned that regular and simply-split explanatory are the
    best, the graphs suggest that regular-explanatory are the best. There are
    very few cases where simply split work better than regular. Does that mean
    there is no effect of factoring??? Or what are the other possibilities?

    The authors tried several optimizations. But, they only showed usefulness
    of the type optimizations. Some details about others would have been

    I think the authors should also have shown the results of the times taken
    by other non-SAT planners like Graphplan etc. just to prove the usefulness
    of this whole exercise.

    I think the most important future work is to try and formalize the notion
    of different types of domains so that by doing some static analysis of the
    domains we get to know which encoding and what type of axioms to use.

    Moreover, since we saw that regular explanatory encoding outperform the
    others, it suggests that there are not much gains in splitting the
    encoding since the number of axioms play a more dominant role. Hence, we
    need to look for other ways to write the axioms which may tend to reduce
    the size and thus the time.

  • Next message: Sumit Sanghai: "SATPLAN: review"

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