From: Christophe Bisciglia (chrisrb_at_cs.washington.edu)
Date: Tue Jun 03 2003 - 10:51:37 PDT

Paper: Alfonso Gerevini , Ivan Serina, Alessandro Saetti, Sergio Spinoni
"Local Search Techniques for Temporal Planning in LPG"

This paper describes, in way too much detail for easy reading, what
appears to be a heuristic search through some form of plan space.

The first big idea I grasped from the paper was TA-graphs, which extend
action graphs by keeping track of the soonest time which actions might

The next big idea I got was the idea of using a local, heuristic guided
search to modify such graphs in hopes of them converging to a valid plan.
This appears to be done by using a variation of Henry.s WalkPlan.

My only real complaint with the paper was it was a bit too dense for an
introduction to the topic. Also, as Kevin mentioned, it would have been
nice to see some explanation of the erratic behavior of the graphs

As far as further research, I.d be interested to see how easy it would be
to relax the constraint of only using the .over all. and .at end.
pre-conditions. It seems this is a big damper to the expressiveness of the

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