Temporal LPG - review

From: Tal Shaked (tshaked_at_cs.washington.edu)
Date: Tue Jun 03 2003 - 10:42:04 PDT

  • Next message: Christophe Bisciglia: "LPG"

    Local Search Techniques for Temporal Planning in LPG - Gerevini, Serina,
    Saetti, Spinoni

    This paper discusses how to extend LPG to include temporal information for
    actions and propositions, and new heuristics to guide the local search.

    One of the important ideas of this paper was modifying the original notion
    of actions graphs into temporal action graphs that are linear action graphs
    with real values assigned to facts and actions (denoting times when actions
    complete and propositions appear) and have a set of ordering constraints.
    Linear actions graphs are an improvement over previous actions graphs
    because they have a simpler structure resulting in faster and more accurate
    heuristic computation.

    Another important part of the algorithm is defining the heuristics to guide
    the search and describing how they can be computed efficiently. TA-graphs
    are modified by adding and removing actions to remove inconsistences (such
    as unsatisfied preconditions). Considering all such actions and
    modifications is considered a neighborhood for a given inconsistency and
    TA-graph. Three heuristics - Execution cost (estimates the increase in
    plan execution cost for the added action), Temporal cost (estimates the end
    time of the added action), and Search cost (estimates the increase in number
    of search steps to reach a solution) are used with weights that can vary to
    guide the selection of actions and graph modifications.

    The paper starts out at a high level, but then gets detailed very quickly
    and often the reader is referred to previous papers and work. I didn't have
    time to look at the details much or read previous work to try to understand
    how the heuristics are computed (and done efficiently), but I'm not sure if
    there is a better way to present them.

    Apart from the high level description, I don't have much of an intuition of
    the problems with the search. I suppose just like any such search, getting a
    better idea of the structure of the domain and finding ways to automatically
    tune the choice of inconsistencies to select the best ones first will help,
    but specifically I have not thought of how this can be done.

  • Next message: Christophe Bisciglia: "LPG"

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