SAPA review

From: MAUSAM (
Date: Fri May 30 2003 - 11:07:00 PDT

  • Next message: Stefan B. Sigurdsson: "SAPA"

    Sapa: A Domain-Independent Heuristic Metric Temporal Planner
    Do & Kambhampati

    This paper introduces a planner called SAPA which is a heuristic guided
    forward chaining planner which can handle metric resources and deadline

    The main idea of the paper is derivation of heuristics from relaxed
    planning graph representation, called RTPG - Relaxed Temporal Planning
    Graph. RTPG does not have any mutexes as it doesn't take into account the
    delete effects and resource consuming effects. Such an RTPG can be used to
    estimate lower bounds of distance from any time stampled state onto goal.
    Other non-admissible heuristics are also evaluated.

    The experimental section is quite elaborate and well done. It would be
    nicer had they mentioned both heuristic evaluation time and search time
    separately, and compared with other planners so as to give an estimate of
    how good the overall system is compared to other known planners, though
    they mention that other planners did not have open sources etc.

    Future directions could be introducing mutexes in RTPG to achieve better
    heuristics. One could see if similar techniques could be applied to
    actions with uncertain durations. One may endevour to improve the quality
    of plans produced by having a closer look at them.

  • Next message: Stefan B. Sigurdsson: "SAPA"

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