Sapa - review

From: Parag (
Date: Fri May 30 2003 - 10:44:31 PDT

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    Sapa: A Domain-Independent Heuristic Metric
    Temporal Planner

    - Minh B. Do & Subbarao Kambhampati

    The paper presents a domain-independent forward
    chaining planner which works in metric temporal
    domains. It derives its heuristics
    from the relaxed planning graph representation.

    The main ideas in the paper are:

    Formulation of a forward chain planner which would handle
    temporal and metric constraints. The authors
    propose an action/goal/state representation
    for these kind of domains, which could be
    used to search for the goal state efficiently.

    Use of the relaxed planning graph representation
    to derive the heuristics for forward chaining
    - authors talk about a handful of heuristics -
    some of them admissible and others which are
    non-admissible. The idea of ignoring metric
    constraints in the initial calculation of
    the heuristic values and then incorporating
    them at a later stage seemed quite interesting.

    The experimental section seemed rich enough.

    The authors allude to the fact that there are
    other richer representations for temporal domains
    than their's. A slightly more detailed analysis of
    where the difference lies and if the techniques
    could be extended to such domains would have helped.

    There are many directions for the future work.
    First would be to explore if one could extend
    the current framework to richer domains as
    represented by zeno. One could also delve into
    why certain heuristics perform better than
    others(as described in the experimental section)
    and if there is any relation between the heuristic
    being used the specific domain one is looking at.

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