agent-centered search

From: Christophe Bisciglia (
Date: Tue May 13 2003 - 11:08:56 PDT

  • Next message: Stefan B. Sigurdsson: "Bumbling robots"

    Sven Koenig Agent-Centered Search

    This paper formalizes the notion of agent-centered search . a methodology
    that interleaves planning and execution with the goal of minimizing their
    combined time.

    One of the main ideas for the paper was the LRTA* algorithm. The authors
    claim this algorithm unifies many common online planning algorithms in use
    (in some form or another). Essentially, the algorithm uses the notion of a
    local search space to update heuristic values, picks an action, executes
    it, and repeats until the goal is reached.

    One area of the paper that I found particularly interesting was the
    comparison of online planning in nature to adversarial search (game
    playing). The combination of LRTA* with mini-max allows the agent to
    progress assuming the worst possible observations, and acting accordingly.

    As Tal mentioned, the first part of the paper is well written, but as it
    progresses, it gets very abstract and hard to follow. Although the ideas
    presented are quite plausible, it would have been nice to see more support
    that .And X said this works..

    As far as research directions go, I found myself wondering. If we can
    think of planning under uncertainty as an adversarial search problem,
    could we apply similar pruning methods form game playing (alpha-beta), or
    some variation thereof. In game playing, good move ordering can double
    your depth . could this cut planning time in half . or make it
    considerably better in the same amount of time?

  • Next message: Stefan B. Sigurdsson: "Bumbling robots"

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