Agent Centered Search : Review

From: Sumit Sanghai (
Date: Tue May 13 2003 - 11:03:02 PDT

  • Next message: Christophe Bisciglia: "agent-centered search"

    Agent-Centered Search
    --Sven Koenig

    Summary : The paper talks about the various properties and applications of
    agent-centered search

    Ideas : The paper talks about the use of agent-centered search in real
    time domains such as game playing, robot localization etc where the goal
    is not just to minimize the plan execution cost, instead it could be to
    minimize the sum of planning + execution cost or minimize execution cost
    given that planning can only cnsume a given maximum amount of resource
    (time). In general, the idea is to consider algorithms where the planning
    and execution are interleaved. In this regard, they talk about LRTA* which
    is a variant of A* but works in real time (and local space). They also
    talk about other algorithms such as Node Counting, uninformed LRTA* and
    Min-Max LRTA* which can be used where there is uncertainty about the

    Flaws : All the algorithms presented seem to be a variant of tehr A*
    algorithm and it would have been nice if the paper had talked about other
    algorithms. Also, there is a lack of experiments and theoretical results.

    Future Work : I think some of the future work could be to try and extend
    the various algorithms to improve their performance. The field seems to be
    quite open to new ideas and algorithms.

  • Next message: Christophe Bisciglia: "agent-centered search"

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