Incremental pruning for POMDPs : review

From: Sumit Sanghai (
Date: Fri May 09 2003 - 10:48:31 PDT

  • Next message: Tal Shaked: "Inc Prun - review"

    A Simple, Fast, Exact Method for Partially Observable Markov Decision
    -- A. Cassandra, M. Littman, N. Zhang

    Summary : The paper presents an improved algorithm for finding an optimal
    solution in a discounted POMDP framework.

    Ideas : THe 2 main ideas in this paper are the "purge" method for
    filtering out vectors which do not have any witness and the incremental
    pruning for computing this while taking the cross sum of n vector spaces.
    The authors prove that purge(A+B+C+...) = purge (A + purge(B + purge
    (C....))). And thus one does not have to do complete enumeration.

    Flaws : The experiments were unsatisfying as they were only able to show
    that in some cases, pruning did better than the previous algorithms. In
    fact, purge need not be used if the problem isn't too complex itself.
    The authors need to provide some better experiments to prove there point
    (though they explain that it can be difficult to measure the exact gain).

    Future Work : The paper does a best case/worst case analysis and shows that
    incremental pruning does better in the best case scenario. The authors
    mention that they need to do a better analysis and give better bounds for
    the worst case scenario.

  • Next message: Tal Shaked: "Inc Prun - review"

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