Incremental Pruning in POMDPs

From: Kevin Sikorski (
Date: Fri May 09 2003 - 10:27:20 PDT

  • Next message: Sumit Sanghai: "Incremental pruning for POMDPs : review"

    Incremental Pruning: A Simple, Fast, Exact Method for Partially Observable
    Markov Decision Processes

    Anthony Cassandra, Michael L. Littman, Nevin L. Zhang

    This paper describes an improvement on the Witness algorithm for exactly
    solving POMDPs, provides time complexity bounds, and evaluates it on
    several example domains.

    The main contribution of this paper is identifying the identity equation:
    purge (A crosssum B crossum C) = purge(purge(A crosssum B) crosssum C).
    The authors were able to leverage this equation in their algorithm.

    This paper offered at best a terse introduction to the background needed
    to fully understand what was being presented. I am still trying to gain
    an intuitive understanding of exactly what these vectors represent in the
    POMDP, and exactly what filtering them in this manner provides.
    Presumably, these are standard techniques that are well explained in other
    papers on this topic.

    The algorithm seems somewhat constrained by the fact that it can only
    handle discrete probability distributions. Of course, we can always
    discretize the POMDP, but then our answer is no longer exact.

    I'm afraid I can't provide any meaningful future research directions for
    this paper, as they didn't provide enough background for me to fully
    understand their approach.

  • Next message: Sumit Sanghai: "Incremental pruning for POMDPs : review"

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