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 CSE573 Instructions for Class Email & Archive
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Sending Mail

The class mailing list is We will use this list to make official class-related announcements. It should also be used for student discussion, but please bear in mind that about 20 people will receive any message that you send. Don't send personal messages or spam to this list, please.

The class TA will generally answer email within 24 hours during the work week.

We will assume that all students in the class will be on this list, and furthermore, we will assume that everybody will be checking their mail regularly (at least once a day, during the week). It is conceivable that we will use the mailing list to announce reading assignments, or to make changes/fixes to project assignments.

Anonyomous Feedback

You can send anonymous feedback about CSE573 to Professor Weld and/or the TA (Peng Dai) by using this form. This is useful if you have any comments about the course, but would prefer not to reveal your idenitity. (Of course, if you expect a reply you'll need to send regular email!)


Go to for subscribing and other information about this mailing list.

Email archives

All email sent to the class list is archived here.

CSE logo Department of Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington
Box 352350
Seattle, WA  98195-2350
(206) 543-1695 voice, (206) 543-2969 FAX