Review of End-To-End Arguments...

From: Kevin Wampler (
Date: Wed Oct 13 2004 - 00:51:51 PDT

  • Next message: Susumu Harada: "End-to-End Arguments in System Design"

    In "End-To-End arguments in System Design" the argument is presented that,
    as much as is reasonably possible, the functionality of a network should
    be implemented only by applications on its endpoints. The reasons for
    this are many fold containing themes such as extensibility to future
    applications, and the necessity of error checking at the application

    In general, I agree with the authors that putting functionality at the
    ends of a network is a good design philosophy. Since it is generally much
    easier to change functionality of applications at the endpoints, this
    method is more flexible to future changes in demands made of network
    transmissions, and can help to encourage (be necessity) a solid
    transmission design at the endpoints. This gain is, however, not without
    its risks. Putting functionality at the network level does have the
    advantage in that since it is both uniform and difficult to change, it
    imposes a standard on how communications are preformed. This may help
    both to keep a massive soup of various communication protocols from
    arising. It also would make sense for certain functions, such as perhaps
    congestion control or accountability functionality, to exist on the
    network level so that malicious or malfunctioning code could not as easily
    harm the network. Putting responsibility at the endpoints also has the
    disadvantage that it forces users to implement their own error checking
    schemes to communicate over a noisy channel, where perhaps a network base
    error correction scheme would suffice for the non-critical purposes of the
    program. Similar arguments would apply to other cases such as out of
    order transmission, though in both cases network APIs would with a doubt
    be of great help. In either case the benefits of adopting in large a
    endpoint oriented design likely outweigh the costs.

  • Next message: Susumu Harada: "End-to-End Arguments in System Design"

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