Review of "Upgrading Transport Protocols using Untrusted Mobile Code"

From: Seth Cooper (
Date: Mon Nov 15 2004 - 01:36:27 PST

  • Next message: Ioannis Giotis: "review"

            This paper introduces Self-spreading Transport Protocols, or STP. STP
    is motivated by the fact that the Internet is constantly changing and
    its transport protocols must also change to keep up with the needs of
    applications. However, it is difficult to deploy new transport
    protocols because most of the time both ends of a connection must
    implement the protocol (in the kernel) before either side sees a
    benefit. Therefore there is a disincentive for early adopters. STP
    attempts to fix this problem by allowing both sides to be upgraded at
    once, by implementing new transport protocols in mobile code that can be
    safely spread to other hosts.
            One strength of the STP is that it presents an effective method for
    allowing untrusted mobile code to be executed on a host. If a host is
    to run arbitrary code that it receives over the network, it is important
    that the code not be allowed to carry out malicious behavior. By
    implementing new protocols in Cyclone, STP gains all of the safety
    implied by that language. By isolating untrusted code and limiting the
    transfer of flow control to it, STP can execute such code in a
    relatively safe manner, and terminate it if it does something unexpected.
            One weakness of STP is that it may make implementing new transport
    protocols too easy. If every host were to decide that it has a good
    transport protocol to distribute, then many connections may incur the
    overhead of needing to send new protocols, and hosts would have to
    remember many protocols as they connected with other hosts. In order
    for STP to be effective, it would be important for hosts to spread a
    small number of new transport protocols over time.
            This paper is relevant because the Internet is not complete, rather it
    is constantly evolving. This paper presents a method for the transport
    protocols that the Internet employs to keep up with changes in the
    Internet. Decisions made that effect the network should be made in such
    a way that they can be dynamic and scalable; STP is one way to make
    transport protocols more dynamic.

  • Next message: Ioannis Giotis: "review"

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