STP Review

From: Karthik Gopalratnam (
Date: Mon Nov 15 2004 - 00:35:42 PST

  • Next message: Seth Cooper: "Review of "Upgrading Transport Protocols using Untrusted Mobile Code""

    Review 22 - Upgrading Transport Protocols using Untrusted Mobile Code

        This paper proposes "Self-spreading Transport Protocols" - STP, as a
    solution for the problem of upgrding transport protocols across the
    internet, by designing a framework that allows end hosts to propagate and
    run untrusted transport protocols in a secure manner.

        New transport protocols do not realize their benefit since they require
    that both communicating hosts run the same version of the protocol, and
    getting diverse machines to both have these implemented in the kernel by the
    OS vendor is very difficult. STP addresses exactly this problem - to provide
    for a fully backwards compatible framework that does not need explicit
    kernel support for each version of a protocol, but instead provides a secure
    framework which sandboxes untrusted transport protocols that can be easily
    propagated and deployed. The authors present what is really a very elegant
    solution in terms of conception, design and implementation. I thought that
    the idea of sandboxing the transport protocol and abstracting the details of
    the exact protocol from the application-socket API was a great idea. This
    allows for flexibility and ease of deployment for new protocols. The
    security issue is handled very well by the type-safe language Cyclone, a
    version of C, coupled with a user-level policy manager, thereby preventing
    the host from transport protocol code misbehavior. This design allows for
    full backwards compatibility with existing TCP as well, which is essentially
    the "default" in the sandbox. All in all a very elegant solution indeed.

       However, there are some issues as well. While STP itself provides for
    backwards compatibility with older versions of transport protocols, the STP
    sandbox and the STP API are essentially kernel components, and require that
    they be implemented by OS vendors. While this is a great solution for future
    OS kernels, it still does not address all the older machines out there which
    will not be able to utilize STP unless they get a kernel makeover. Also,
    since the sandbox itself is written in a type-safe language, the performance
    overhead, which the authors point out is quite significant, and is clearly
    an area that needs to be addressed.

       Despite these drawbacks, this is clearly a great concept and will
    probably be the foundation for the transport protocols of the future.

  • Next message: Seth Cooper: "Review of "Upgrading Transport Protocols using Untrusted Mobile Code""

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