Paper Revie 11-15

From: Erika Rice (
Date: Sun Nov 14 2004 - 18:13:20 PST

  • Next message: Michael J Cafarella: "Upgrading Transport Protocols..."

    "Upgrading Transport Protocols using Untrusted Mobile Code" by Parveen
    Patel, Andrew Whitaker, David Wetherall, Jay Lepreau, and Tim Stack:

    This paper describes STP, a framework for developing self-spreading
    transport protocols. This framework would allow the rapid deployment of
    beneficial new protocols with little effort, even when both ends of a
    connection need to use the protocol for it to be effective. The key
    point of the framework is that it provides a safe API to the kernel so
    that protocols can be run even if the code is untrusted. This aids fast
    deployment by encouraging machines to spread code to each other when
    they want to use a certain protocol without having to take the risk of
    that code doing accidentally or maliciously abusing the privileges of
    running in the kernel.

    The system combines the use of a memory and type safe language with
    monitoring to make sure that protocols do not do bad things. While both
    of these are very good first steps, I would have liked to see some more
    discussion of why this method and their code gives the safety that they
    claim (i.e., being able to monitor protocols and determine when it
    is necessary to stop them). Specifically, can their algorithms be
    formally proven to do what they claim? Can the code be proven to
    correctly implement the algorithm? What might be the things one would
    need to show to prove this sort of safety? Because flaws in either the
    theoretical architecture or the actual implementation would represent
    serious security risks, knowing what components are most in need of
    verification should be a top priority.

  • Next message: Michael J Cafarella: "Upgrading Transport Protocols..."

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