Upgrading Transport Protocols

From: Daniel Lowd (lowd@cs.washington.edu)
Date: Fri Nov 12 2004 - 19:30:45 PST

  • Next message: Erika Rice: "Paper Revie 11-15"

    This paper discussed a possible mechanism for upgrading transport
    protocols using untrusted mobile code. The main motivation for this work
    is the observation that one-sided upgrades aren't immediately beneficial,
    so improved protocols can take years to deploy. Furthermore, the emphasis
    on backwards compatibility may lead to standardization of inferior
    protocols. The solution proposed is a mechanism to make upgrading
    protocols easy, and to make agreeing on a protocol to use easy as well.

    I thought that this paper made a very clear and compelling case for the
    soundness of its approach. Safety, flexibility, and performance concerns
    were all addressed well. Even the cost of porting C code to Cyclone was

    There were weaknesses as well. First, only two TCP variants were
    implemented. After listing dozens of variants that would all be possible,
    why only test two? Is it ever beneficial to switch protocols depending on
    the host and application? If so, then maybe a more complicated
    configuration, complete with protocol negotiation, would see real
    performance gains from STP over one single protocol. And how much does
    disabling "delayed ACKs" in NewReno hurt performance? Perhaps that's a
    real downside to STP? Unfortunately, no experiments seemed to answer this
    question. The experiments seemed like a good start, but I didn't feel
    that they really stress-tested every scenario.

    I also wish the authors had addressed the challenge of deploying something
    like STP. This seems like it would be just as difficult as deploying a
    new network protocol, which the authors admit can take years. And what
    happens if significant limitations are discovered, and version 2.0 of STP
    becomes necessary? This technology is only worthwhile if the ease of
    deploying new transport protocols outweighs the hassle of deploying STP.

    If STP does perform well in all scenarios, and can survive several
    generations of future transport upgrades, then perhaps it could make a
    real difference. The idea of "plug-and-play protocols" is certainly
    appealing; I hope it's truly practical as well.

    -- Daniel

  • Next message: Erika Rice: "Paper Revie 11-15"

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