Paper Review #11: An Analysis of Internet Content Delivery Systems

From: Yuhan Cai (
Date: Sun Nov 07 2004 - 23:23:23 PST

  • Next message: Ethan Katz-Bassett: "Review of "An Analysis of Internet Content Delivery Systems""

    Title: An Analysis of Internet Content Delivery Systems
    Authors: Stefan Saroiu, Krishna P. Gummadi, Richard J. Dunn, Steven D. Gribble, and Henry M. Levy
    Reviewed by: Yuhan Cai


    Main results of the paper:

    , It focuses on four content delivery systems: HTTP web traffic, the Akamai content delivery network and the Kazaa and Gnutella peer-to-peer file sharing systems and traces all the internet traffic at UW.

    , It analyzes the observations and quantifies and characterizes the traffic according to the above four situations.


    Strengths of the paper:

    , The datasets used have a relatively big size so that the claims in this paper are well supported.

    , It quantifies the importance of the new peer-to-peer systems from four different perspectives.

    , It characterizes the behaviors of these systems from three different perspectives.

    , It introduces the idea of caching.


    Key limitations:

    , The research is limited to a single University. Probably the content delivery systems for the internet of larger areas or industrial environments might be completely different.


    Relevance of the paper:

    , The results of this paper have provided us a deeper and more detailed understanding of specialized content delivery systems.

    Future work:

    , More examinations on the issues of caching are expected to significantly reduce the P2P bandwidth requirements.


  • Next message: Ethan Katz-Bassett: "Review of "An Analysis of Internet Content Delivery Systems""

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