kazaa vs. the world

From: Lillie Kittredge (kittredl@u.washington.edu)
Date: Sun Nov 07 2004 - 23:05:51 PST

  • Next message: Yuhan Cai: "Paper Review #11: An Analysis of Internet Content Delivery Systems"

    Analyzing content delivery systems

    This paper discusses a project to monitor and analyze all of the traffic
    coming in and out of UW, concluding that a staggering amount of traffic is
    on peer-to-peer systems.

    The university is a convenient grounds for this sort of testing, since
    we've got access to the gateway routers, and can see everything that's
    coming and going. They found that www traffic was being utterly
    overwhelmed by peer-to-peer traffic, which has larger objects and longer
    downloads, and is also failing to scale well despite its inherent ability
    to do so.

    I found the discussion of dynamically generated content interesting - this
    is getting more popular, but is harder to distribute efficiently since it
    can't be cached. In general I agree with the authors that more and
    smarter caching would make content delivery smoother.

    What kills me about papers discussing peer-to-peer systems is the utter
    glossing-over of issues of legality and propriety. The networking
    community seems to assume that this is the wave of the future, it is what
    the users want by huge margins, and so we should find a way to provide it.
    I say, the majority of those huge files are pirated media, and, call me
    outdated, but I believe that stealing is wrong. Other scientific and
    engineering fields have maintained an awareness of ethics; what's wrong
    with computer scientists that we don't? I would much prefer to see
    literature discussing methods to discourage illegal media transfer.
    Setting kazaa traffic at a lower priority and denying it bandwidth would
    both alleviate the pressure it puts on WWW traffic and penalize this
    mostly illegal practice.

    That being said, if a non-evil use for peer-to-peer can be found, I agree
    with the authors that caching could be a major improvement. What would be
    more effective, were it easily possible, would be a way to prevent the
    problem of uses becoming super-clients or servers, which defeats the
    intention of peer-to-peer. Spreading load over the system (and preferably
    doing so in a topologically sensitive way) would improve peer-to-peer
    performance immensely. However, I suspect that the inherent greed of
    peer-to-peer users prohibits this. The greed that makes users steal
    pirated video is the same greed that makes users tend to avoid expending
    bandwidth on allowing others to upload, and only stay connected long
    enough to get what they want.

  • Next message: Yuhan Cai: "Paper Review #11: An Analysis of Internet Content Delivery Systems"

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