review of paper 18

From: Shobhit Raj Mathur (
Date: Sun Nov 07 2004 - 01:26:48 PST

  • Next message: Kate Everitt: "An Analysis of Internet Content Delivery Systems - Katherine Everitt"

    An Analysis of Internet Content Delivery Systems

    This paper examines content delivery in the Internet today by focusing on
    four content delivery systems: HTTP Web traffic, Akamai CDN, Kazaa and
    Gnutella P2P file sharing systems. A trace of all incoming and outgoing
    internet traffic at the UW was collected over a period of 9 days to
    perform this study. The results quantify the extent to which P2P traffic
    dominates the Internet bandwidth consumption and the vast differences in
    the object sizes transferred. The paper also concludes that P2P systems
    are not scaling despite their explicit scaling design due to their
    bandwidth demands.

    The paper presents a detailed analysis of Internet content delivery
    systems. I will mention some of the results I found interesting. The
    median object size for a P2P request for found to be 4MB which is 1000
    times larger than an average WWW object. P2P is not widely used but it
    still accounts for over three quarters of HTTP traffic due to to the large
    object sizes. As a result, a small number of P2P users consume a very high
    fraction of the bandwidth. Moreover, the long transfer times of P2P
    objects result in many simultaneous connections. From the graphs it looks
    like, most P2P transfers are done overnight as the transfer times are
    long. Overall, the bandwidth requirement of a single Kazaa peer is ninety
    times that of a single web client. To prevent such users from hogging all
    the bandwidth, the ISPs could reduce their bandwidth share.

    The paper analyzes the Internet traffic at the University of Washington,
    but does not mention whether the results are applicable to non-University
    networks. I expect the P2P traffic in a University network to be much more
    than in a corporate network. Hence these results may not be valid for
    other types of networks. The authors observe that a small number of P2P
    clients and servers are responsible for the majority of traffic and find
    this contrary to what is expected from a P2P network. Since Kazaa's
    architecture is proprietary we can only guess the possible reasons for
    this. The authors do not attempt to reason this phenomenon.

    The paper also proposes a reverse caching mechanism to absorb the outbound
    P2P traffic from a university network. It concludes that due to the high
    bandwidth requirements of a P2P system, it will never scale in a
    university environment. Though I feel that most of the results regarding
    P2P traffic are applicable only to University networks, the paper does a
    good job overall. If the traces were collected from a wider variety of
    networks, the results would have been more convincing.

  • Next message: Kate Everitt: "An Analysis of Internet Content Delivery Systems - Katherine Everitt"

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