Review of Content Delivery Systems

From: Andrew Putnam (
Date: Fri Nov 05 2004 - 17:06:37 PST

  • Next message: Shobhit Raj Mathur: "review of paper 18"

    An Analysis of Internet Content Delivery Systems
    Stefan Saroiu, et al.

    Summary: Traffic patterns at the University of Washington are analyzed
    and broken down into four different categories: HTTP web traffic,
    Akamai CDN traffic, peer-to-peer traffic, and other. These results show
    that peer-to-peer traffic has substantially different characteristics
    than standard web traffic and accounts for a substantial percentage of
    Internet traffic. The authors conclude that peer-to-peer networks
    cannot scale on the current Internet architecture and that current
    caching mechanisms are inadequate.

    The Internet architecture has supported a wide variety of different
    applications, but most of those applications had similar traffic
    patterns: small, short, interactive transfers. These patterns allowed
    Internet architects to make assumptions about the mechanisms necessary
    for providing quick, reliable content delivery. The advent of
    successful P2P networks changed the dynamics of network traffic and
    challenges the assumptions of typical network traffic.

    The authors find that the P2P networks tend to have much larger files
    and much longer duration transfers than HTTP web traffic. The most
    serious consequence of this is that a very small number of users can
    account for a disproportionate amount of network bandwidth. A mere 200
    users out over 65000 accounted for over 20% of the total network
    traffic during the study. This suggests that P2P networks simply cannot
    scale like HTTP web traffic since the network demands of each P2P user
    are orders of magnitude greater than web users.

    One way in which the Internet is not designed for P2P traffic is there
    is the assumption that users are waiting on the network, so the network
    needs to deliver packets as quickly as possible. With P2P networks,
    users are willing to wait long periods of time for file transfers. They
    tend to start file transfers late a night and are willing for those
    file transfers to continue for long duration. This traffic travels at
    the same priority as interactive traffic, which reduces the response
    time for users who truly do care about network latency. If the Internet
    had a priority system for packets, P2P traffic could safely run at a
    lower priority without degrading the effectiveness of the P2P network.

    Another way in which the Internet is not designed for P2P traffic is
    the network hardware architecture. The Internet is set up in a
    hierarchy of network providers. Servers tend to be closer to the top of
    the hierarchy where bandwidth is plentiful. Clients tend to be near the
    bottom of the hierarchy since they have much smaller bandwidth needs.
    This asymmetric architecture allows clients to be as close as possible
    to the servers, and the servers to be able to serve many different
    clients. In P2P networks, clients become servers as well as clients.
    This makes clients from distant parts of the network go through
    numerous other networks and into a low bandwidth network in order to
    get files. The low bandwidth networks become bottlenecks for both the
    clients and the P2P servers.

    One particularly interesting conclusion the authors came to is that the
    University of Washington could alleviate network congestion by adding a
    cache, but not in the typical sense of caching the most frequently
    accessed data to make it easily available to students at UW. Instead,
    it makes more sense to cache frequently accessed data within the UW
    network on a cache accessible from outside UW. This would keep outside
    users from using UW network bandwidth while connecting to UW servers.

    If P2P systems regain their prominence, the Internet architecture will
    have to evolve to handle the different traffic characteristics, or else
    the P2P services will not scale, and will degrade the performance of
    traditional Internet applications.

  • Next message: Shobhit Raj Mathur: "review of paper 18"

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