Review of HN-SPF Delay Metric

From: Andrew Putnam (
Date: Sun Oct 31 2004 - 16:51:38 PST

  • Next message: Alan L. Liu: "Review of The Revised ARPANET Routing Metric"

    The Revised ARPANET Routing Metric
    Atul Khanna and John Zinky

    Summary: The ARPANET routing algorithm relies on a delay metric to
    make effective routing decisions. The original delay metric used
    measured delay times, and resulted in instability and inefficiency in
    the routing algorithm. This paper introduces a heuristic-based delay
    metric that helps the same routing algorithm achieve more stable and
    efficient routing configurations.

    The old delay metric is very simple and makes intuitive sense. By using
    the actual delay times between nodes, the routing algorithm can
    determine the quickest paths for network traffic. The authors make a
    key observation that this metric can fail when network links are
    heavily utilized. In light network traffic, switching traffic to faster
    links does not tend to change the delay on the faster link
    significantly. However, in heavy network traffic the faster link can
    quickly get saturated and become a slower link. This results in rapidly
    changing network paths and inefficient use of network bandwidth.

    The authors realize that the actual numbers produced by the delay
    metric are unimportant, but that the ratio of numbers is important. So
    the authors develop a new metric based on heuristics that will retain
    the good low-delay path characteristics under light network traffic,
    but perform well during heavy network traffic.

    This paper can be taken as a study in time scales. The time scale of
    the delay updates is in the tens of seconds, while the changes to link
    utilization reports is nearly instantaneous. This leads to an imbalance
    in the delay reported by the delay metric and the actual behavior of
    the network. In order to bring these back into balance, either the
    frequency of delay reports needs to increase, or the rate of network
    reconfiguration needs to decrease. The authors choose the more
    manageable and likely more efficient choice of changing the delay
    metric to result in slower network adaptation to changes in delay

    Another characteristic key to the effectiveness of the new delay metric
    is the limit on the variance of delay in successive reports. The new
    metric averages the new measured delay and the previous delay report to
    get the new delay report. This prevents rapid changes in the reported
    link characteristics which serves to slow the rate of network

    The way in which the authors choose the delay numbers seems ad-hoc, and
    there is no indication that the choices they made are optimal. For
    example, 56kbps terrestrial lines are chosen to be half as expensive as
    56kbps satellite lines, yet the ratio for terrestrial to satellite
    lines on 9.6kbps connections is slightly different. Also, the
    difference between 56kbps satellite lines and 9.6kbps terrestrial lines
    is small relative to the difference between the two types of 56kbps
    lines. If the authors had a good reason to choose the values they
    chose, they did not elaborate on that method clearly. Even if the
    resulting metric results in improved performance, it will be hard to
    tell if that performance is optimal, or how far away from optimal the
    performance really is.

    The testing methodology certainly does not assist in determining
    whether the delay metric performs optimally. Rather than use a closed,
    adaptable network configuration to test various configurations, the
    authors tested their implementation by deploying it on the actual
    Internet. This certainly proves the effectiveness in a real-world
    system, but it is dangerous and could not be attempted on the Internet
    today. Testing on the real Internet also does not allow for duplication
    of conditions, so the resulting changes in performance are not
    guaranteed to be due to the changes in the delay metric.

  • Next message: Alan L. Liu: "Review of The Revised ARPANET Routing Metric"

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