The Revised ARPANET Routing Metric

From: Masaharu Kobashi (
Date: Sun Oct 31 2004 - 14:38:59 PST

  • Next message: Andrew Putnam: "Review of HN-SPF Delay Metric"

    1. Main result of the paper
       The paper presents the revised metric computation of ARPANET with
       the history of evolution which finally reached the HN-SPF. It also
       describes the analysis of how HN-SPF outperforms the previous
       min-hop and D-SPF, with actual observations of the performance
       which shows substantial improvement in a transition period from the
    old to
       the new (HN-SPF) metric: 46% reduction in round-trip delay, 13%
    increase in
       network throughput.

    2. Strengths in this paper
       The greatest achievement of the proposed idea is it actually improved
       the network performance of ARPANET substantially.

       The effectiveness of the revised metric, HN-SPF, in the real world comes
       essentially from the very simple but robust methods:
       (1) Averaging in measuring link delay
       (2) Limiting maximum change in updated values of link cost
       (3) Limiting minimum change in updated values of link cost

       The greatness, which the paper does not state, of the revised algorithm
       is it focuses on eliminating the downside risks rather than trying to
       pinpoint on the optimal use of bandwidth all the time.
       It is because in the real world, which is a constantly changing
       environment with unpredictable phenomena such as misbehaving routers,
       and poorly designed networks, any algorithm dependent upon
       assumptions of accurate behavior of every node and link is brittle.

       The above methods are a rough algorithm and not the one which guarantees
       the optimal use of bandwidth all the time. But it focuses on eliminating
       the downside risks, rapid fluctuation to small changes, oscillation, and
       formation of persistent loops. This strategy works and does so robustly.

    3. Limitations and suggested improvements
       One weakness in the argument is that the authors give almost no
       justification or derivation in setting the values of coefficients
       of proposed formulas.

       Second, it can eliminate the problem of minor oscillation around
       the equilibrium point by the following way.

       Since it is know in which region of the cost-utilization map the
       oscillation around the equilibrium point starts, you can change
       the behavior of the network response by using a two tier system
       which is made up of the proposed HN-SPF and an extra response
       function and a cost function which are applied only to the situations
       where the reported cost and utilization are around the equilibrium point.

       The extra functions are designed to be allowed to go to the equilibrium
       point once the situation reaches within the oscillation region. It can
       be achieved by changing the limits of updating etc. Of course it needs
       more precise settings of coefficients and limits in this case. But this
       is a rough idea of the two tier system.

       As to the equilibrium related argument, in the real world equilibrium
       itself is not as vital as it sounds. What is important is the elimination
       of drastic fluctuations in the process of adjustment to equilibrium,
       since in most time the network is in non-equilibrium state, i.e. in
       adjusting stages. In this sense HN-SPF is quite usable in the real world
       despite the fact that it oscillates around the equilibrium.

    4. Relevance today and future
       The next step to further improve the performance is the use of multi-path
       routing algorithms. (The paper also refers to them when it touches upon
       the weakness of the HN-SPF.) But still the strategy of emphasizing on
       eliminating downside risks at the cost of giving up the perfect
       optimization will be the right way into the future.

  • Next message: Andrew Putnam: "Review of HN-SPF Delay Metric"

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