Analysis and Simulation of Fair Queuing Algorithm

From: Masaharu Kobashi (
Date: Sat Oct 23 2004 - 13:01:44 PDT

  • Next message: Ethan Phelps-Goodman: "fair queueing"

    1. Main result of the paper

       The paper proposes a new gateway queuing algorithm for controlling
       congestion and achieving fairness. It is claimed that the algorithm
       outperforms the conventional FCFS queuing algorithm in fair allocation
       of bandwidth, lower delay, and protection from ill-behaved sources
       under various conditions including different flow control schemes.

    2. Strengths in this paper

       The algorithm allocate the vital three quantities, bandwidth, promptness,
       and buffer space separately. It is logical and the best way to achieve
       each of the sub-goals optimally.

       One of the most valuable properties of the algorithm is it is capable of
       protecting well-behaved sources from ill-behaved sources in the
       of bandwidth.
       In comparison to Nagle's algorithm the proposed FQ is superior in that
       it takes into account the packet size in the queuing decision.

       The algorithm has an important ability to provide a lower delay to
       lower throughput sources independent of the window sizes of the
       flow controls.

    3. Limitations and suggested improvements

       Argument on the acceptable definition of fairness is weak or nonexistent
       in the paper. Since fairness includes subjective elements and also
       on assumptions on the environment, participants etc., to make a
       argument, they should have presented results for each of possible
       fairness standards. It should not make an argument based on a single

       Ratio of net data to the header lengths is not taken into account in the
       proposed algorithm. For small messages, the header length takes far
       weight than the cases of big file transfers. Therefore, with the propose
       algorithm, small telnet messages are penalized unfairly.

       Similar to the definition of fairness, the paper is weak in arguing the
       justification of deciding "user". It chose each conversation as user.
       But it is still controversial. Therefore, they should present the result
       of the simulation for each of possible definition of user.

       The environments for the simulations are too simple. But this problem
       seems to be perceived by the authors, since they state that in their
       work they need to investigate more realistic load conditions on larger
    4. Relevance today and future

       There seems to be a problem of gradual deployment with the proposed
       algorithm. For example, if the definition of user and/or queuing
       are different at different gateways in the transition period for
       deployment of this algorithm, you cannot expect the intended achievement
       of the new algorithm for the whole of the Internet. Sporadic existence of
       FQ can be even harmful because, for example, different definition of
       fairness, and/or different definition of user at different gateways can
       make the whole system unfair by the most common sense of fairness.
       The simulations are based on only two types of services, telnet and
       ftp. But there has been an increasing number of very different services
       of very different requirements such as video/sound streams. To be
       to be a good contender for the current and future algorithm, it has to be
       capable of handling those services with a more up-to-date notion of

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