Demers, et al, 1989 review

From: Tom Christiansen (
Date: Fri Oct 22 2004 - 19:16:31 PDT

  • Next message: Masaharu Kobashi: "Analysis and Simulation of Fair Queuing Algorithm"

    This article points out a fundamental flaw in previous, packet based,
    fairness control schemes. In previous schemes, packages were sent in a
    round robin fashion. This meant a fair allocation of the number of sent
    packages per source, but as package sizes differ, this will not always be a
    fair allocation of bandwidth. The proposed method, Fair Queuing, corrects
    this by assigning a bid number to each packet entering the queue. By making
    the bid number dependant on packet size, a more fair allocation of
    bandwidth is ensured. The proposed method was simulated in a number of
    different scenarios and compared against other algorithms. It was concluded
    that the FQ method was superior with respect to fairness and immunity
    against ill-behaved sources.

    The strongest part of the paper is the description of motivation, proposed
    new algorithm, flow control, and the discussion sections. These parts of
    the paper are reasonably well written and provide enough scientific
    background to make the case for using the FQ algorithm.

    The paper falls apart in the Simulations section. This section is a mix of
    descriptions of simulation setups, arguments for why these setups are
    relevant, notes, figures, tables, etc. The whole section could use a
    re-write making it easier to read and more concise and to the point. Let
    the data speak for itself.

    The paper does bring out one interesting point: Different services should
    have different priorities. This paper uses Telnet vs. FTP as such an
    example. The Telnet users should have higher priority than FTP users as
    they send smaller amounts of data and are more intolerant to large
    round-trip delays. The authors, provide a few suggestions on how to solve
    this problem, but arrive at the conclusion that implementation of these
    suggestions is not feasible as there are no measures to ensure that
    low-priority applications can't cheat the system by faking to be an
    application with higher priority.

  • Next message: Masaharu Kobashi: "Analysis and Simulation of Fair Queuing Algorithm"

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