Course Schedule
This page gives the course schedule and PDFs of the slides used in the lecture. Slides and material require a CSE NetID for access. Please contact the instructors if you don't have a CSE NetID.
Topic | Slides | Materials | |
03/28 | Introduction | slides (PDF) | |
03/30 | Cameras (1) | slides (PDF) | Reading |
04/04 | Cameras (2) | slides (PDF) | Homework 1 |
04/06 | Appearance in Computer Graphics (and elsewhere) | slides (PDF) | Reading |
04/11 | BRDFs | slides (PDF) | |
04/13 | BRDFs (2) and BSSRDFs | slides (PDF) | |
04/18 | BSSRDFs (2) | slides (PDF) | Reading |
04/20 | Presentation Homework 1 | web pages | Homework 2 |
04/25 | Image-Based Relighting | slides (PDF) | |
04/27 | Guest Lecture Wolfgang Heidrich, UBC Note: Room changed to CSE 403! |
05/02 | Matting and Transparency | slides (PDF) | |
05/04 | Presentation Homework 2 | web pages | |
05/09 | Project Discussion | slides (PDF) | Reading |
05/11 | Acquisition Systems and Tools | slides (PDF) | |
05/16 | Acquisition Systems and Tools (2) | slides (PDF) | |
05/18 | Data Fitting | slides (PDF) | |
05/23 | (Early) Conclusion | slides (PDF) | |
05/25 | Guest Lecture Szymon Rusinkiewicz, Princeton University Note: Time changed to 4:30 pm! |
05/30 | Guest Lecture (Colloquium) Ravi Ramamoorthi, Columbia University Note: Room changed to EE 105! Note: Time changed to 3:30 pm! |
06/01 | final project presentations |