This is an incomplete list of some assignment 2 projects: re-implement (a scaled-down version of) the system from a paper.
Featherstich.js (GitHub), by Helga Gudmundsdottir, Helgi Sigurbjarnarson, Ellis Michael
This implements the core Featherstitch algorithm in Javascript & D3.
Comparison of scalability across different operating system kernels, by Liang Luo, Amrita Mazumdar, Yuchen Jin
This reruns a series of multi-core benchmarks from the Linux Scalability paper to test scalability improvements in newer kernels.
mini-seL4, by Niel Lebeck
This submission is a toy implementation of some parts of seL4.
mini-commuter, by Luke Nelson
This demo of Commuter finds the conditions under which the rename operation commutes with other renamse, and uses these conditions to generate some simple tests in C to test the commutativity.