No Readings Assigned
Jonathan Grudin. A Moving Target - The Evolution of Human-Computer Interaction. Book Chapter.
These “vision” papers challenge a dominant pattern, propose going beyond mimicking prior technologies, or cast a vision of future technologies. This is certainly not an exhaustive set of such papers, just a set chosen to be interesting and appropriate.
Vannevar Bush. As We May Think. The Atlantic, 1945.
Paul M. Fitts. The Information Capacity of the Human Motor System in Controlling the Amplitude of Movement. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1954.
Mark Weiser. The Computer for the 21st Century. Scientific American, 1991.
Roy Want, Andy Hopper, Veronica Falcão, and Jonathan Gibbons. The Active Badge Location System. TOIS, 1992.
James D. Hollan, Scott Stornetta. Beyond Being There. CHI 1992.
Pierre Wellner. Interacting with Paper on the DigitalDesk. CACM, 1993.
Be sure to note the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8lCetZ_57g
Benjamin B. Bederson, James D. Hollan. Pad++: A Zooming Graphical Interface for Exploring Alternate Interface Physics. UIST 1994.
Hiroshi Ishii, Brygg Ullmer. Tangible Bits: Towards Seamless Interfaces between People, Bits and Atoms. CHI 1997.
Eric Horvitz. Principles of Mixed-Initiative User Interfaces. CHI 1999.
Ken Hinckley, Jeff Pierce, Mike Sinclair, Eric Horvitz. Sensing Techniques for Mobile Interaction. UIST 2000.
Claudio S. Pinhanez. The Everywhere Displays Projector: A Device to Create Ubiquitous Graphical Interfaces. UbiComp 2001.
Roy Want, Trevor Pering, Gunner Danneels, Muthu Kumar, Murali Sundar, and John Light. The Personal Server: Changing the Way We Think about Ubiquitous Computing. UbiComp 2002.
Brett Victor. Magic Ink: Information Software and the Graphical Interface. Blog Post, 2006.
Each student has two responsibilities.
First, organize into groups of 2 to briefly present one of the above vision papers.
It is critical to remember most people will not have read the paper you are presenting. It is therefore your responsibility to explain the vision. One useful way of breaking down and explaining the vision might be to discuss these four points:
Submit your presentation as 3 to 4 in PDF, PPT, or PPTX format:
Be sure to consider guidance on Making Your Presentation Accessible.
Second, individually read at least one more of the above vision papers.
No reading report is necessary, but everyone picking a second paper benefits in-class discussion. Note that some of these are quite long. We are assigning them so that you can see these visions and explore them appropriately. You can and should skim according to your needs.
Read the framing paper:
Jacob O. Wobbrock, Julie A. Kientz. Research Contributions in Human-Computer Interaction. Interactions, 2016.
Below are examples of recent papers that correspond to Wobbrock’s types of research contribution in HCI.
Select two to review, focusing on papers that are most likely to correspond to the contribution style(s) relevant in your project. You should not focus on the details of these papers, but rather their organization of the research and how it is presented. We surface them to provide concrete examples of the contributions, but our in-class discussion will focus on the framing papers.
Paul Denny, Fiona McDonald, Ruth Empson, Philip Kelly, Andrew Petersen. Empirical Support for a Causal Relationship Between Gamification and Learning Outcomes. CHI 2018.
Nitya Verma, Lynn Dombrowski. Confronting Social Criticisms: Challenges when Adopting Data-Driven Policing Strategies. CHI 2018.
Ting-Hao (Kenneth) Huang, Joseph Chee Chang, Jeffrey P. Bigham. Evorus: A Crowd-powered Conversational Assistant Built to Automate Itself Over Time. CHI 2018.
Rundong Tian, Sarah Sterman, Ethan Chiou, Jeremy Warner, Eric Paulos. MatchSticks: Woodworking through Improvisational Digital Fabrication. CHI 2018.
Tilman Dingler, Rufat Rzayev, Alireza Sahami Shirazi, Niels Henze. Designing Consistent Gestures Across Device Types: Eliciting RSVP Controls for Phone, Watch, and Glasses. CHI 2018.
Amanda Lazar, Jessica L. Feuston, Caroline Edasis, Anne Marie Piper. Making as Expression: Informing Design with People with Complex Communication Needs through Art Therapy. CHI 2018.
Nazanin Andalibi, Andrea Forte. Announcing Pregnancy Loss on Facebook: A Decision-Making Framework for Stigmatized Disclosures on Identified Social Network Sites. CHI 2018.
Jasmin Niess, Paweł W. Woźniak. Supporting Meaningful Personal Fitness: the Tracker Goal Evolution Model. CHI 2018.
Ankit Kariryaa, Isaac Johnson, Johannes Schöning, Brent Hecht. Defining and Predicting the Localness of Volunteered Geographic Information using Ground Truth Data. CHI 2018.
Nikhita Singh, Jin Joo Lee, Ishaan Grover, Cynthia Breazeal. P2PSTORY: Dataset of Children as Storytellers and Listeners in Peer-to-Peer Interactions. CHI 2018.
Ingrid Pettersson, Florian Lachner, Anna-Katharina Frison, Andreas Riener, Andreas Butz. A Bermuda Triangle? - A Review of Method Application and Triangulation in User Experience Evaluation. CHI 2018.
Elizabeth Stowell, Mercedes C. Lyson, Herman Saksono, Reneé C. Wurth, Holly Jimison, Misha Pavel, Andrea G. Parker. Designing and Evaluating mHealth Interventions for Vulnerable Populations: A Systematic Review. CHI 2018.
Andy Cockburn, Carl Gutwin, Alan Dix. HARK No More: On the Preregistration of CHI Experiments. CHI 2018.
Christian Remy, Oliver Bates, Alan Dix, Vanessa Thomas, Mike Hazas, Adrian Friday, Elaine M. Huang. Evaluation beyond Usability: Validating Sustainable HCI Research. CHI 2018.
No reading report is necessary.
Herbert A. Simon. The Science of Design: Creating the Artificial. Design Issues Volume 4, Numbers 1 & 2.
Donald E. Stokes. Pasteur’s Quadrant: Basic Science and Technological Innovation. Book Chapter.
Meeting is optional. You can also email to request feedback or to inquire about arranging another time to meet. Sign up for the reserved meeting times here:
Due: Project Proposal
Submit your proposal document in PDF format:
Submit your proposal presentation in PDF, PPT, or PPTX format:
Be sure to consider guidance on Making Your Presentation Accessible.
Read the framing paper:
Saul Greenberg, Bill Buxton. Usability Evaluation Considered Harmful (Some of the Time). CHI 2008.
Select one of these to read:
Dan R. Olsen, Jr. Evaluating User Interface Systems Research. UIST 2007.
James Fogarty. Code and Contribution in Interactive Systems Research. CHI 2017 Workshop on #HCI.Tools: Strategies and Best Practices for Designing, Evaluating, and Sharing Technical HCI Toolkits.
Post a reading report in the appropriate thread(s), by 11:59pm the night before class:
Guest: Jon Froehlich
James Away for UIST 2018
Read the framing paper:
Patrick Baudisch, Stefanie Mueller. Personal Fabrication: Introduction. Excerpt from Foundations and Trends in Human–Computer Interaction 10, 3. 2017.
Select one of these to read:
Huaishu Peng, Jennifer Mankoff, Scott E. Hudson, James McCann. A Layered Fabric 3D Printer for Soft Interactive Objects. CHI 2015.
Liang He, Gierad Laput, Eric Brockmeyer, Jon E. Froehlich. SqueezaPulse: Adding Interactive Input to Fabricated Objects Using Corrugated Tubes and Air Pulses. TEI 2017.
Patrick Baudisch Stefanie Mueller. Personal Fabrication. Foundations and Trends in Human–Computer Interaction 10, 3. 2017.
Post a reading report in the appropriate thread(s), by 11:59pm the night before class:
Guest: Maya Cakmak
James Away for UIST 2018
Read the framing paper:
Brian Duffy. Anthropomorphism and the Social Robot. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 42, 3. 2003.
Select one of these to read:
Susan R. Fussell, Sara Kiesler, Leslie D. Setlock, Victoria Yew. How People Anthropomorphize Robots. HRI 2008.
Ja-Young Sung, Lan Guo, Rebecca E. Grinter, Henrik I. Christensen. “My Roomba Is Rambo”: Intimate Home Appliances. UbiComp 2007.
Post a reading report in the appropriate thread(s), by 11:59pm the night before class:
Assigned: Statistics Lab
No Readings Assigned
Guest: Mako Hill
Read the framing paper:
Jonathan Grudin. Groupware and Social Dynamics: Eight Challenges for Developers. Communications of the ACM 37, 1. 1994.
Select one of these to read:
Justin Cranshaw, Emad Elwany, Todd Newman, Rafal Kocielnik, Bowen Yu, Sandeep Soni, Jaime Teevan, Andrés Monroy-Hernández. Calendar.Help: Designing a Workflow-Based Scheduling Agent with Humans in the Loop. CHI 2017.
Narayan, Sneha, Jake Orlowitz, Jonathan Morgan, Benjamin Mako Hill, Aaron Shaw. The Wikipedia Adventure: Field Evaluation of an Interactive Tutorial for New Users. CSCW 2017.
Wanda Orlikowski. Learning from Notes: Organizational Issues in Groupware Implementation. CSCW 1992.
Post a reading report in the appropriate thread(s), by 11:59pm the night before class:
Class Will Be 10:00 to 12:00 in CSE 403 to Accommodate Presentations
Due: Project Milestone
Submit your document in PDF format:
Submit your presentation in PDF, PPT, or PPTX format:
Be sure to consider guidance on Making Your Presentation Accessible.
Read the framing paper:
Brad Myers, Scott E. Hudson, Randy Pausch. Past, Present, and Future of User Interface Software Tools. TOCHI 2000.
Select one of these to read:
Michael Bostock, Vadim Ogievetsky, Jeffrey Heer. D3: Data-Driven Documents. InfoVis 2011.
Morgan Dixon, James Fogarty. Prefab: Implementing Advanced Behaviors Using Pixel-Based Reverse Engineering of Interface Structure. CHI 2010.
Post a reading report in the appropriate thread(s), by 11:59pm the night before class:
Guest: Jacob Wobbrock
Read the framing paper:
I. S. MacKenzie. Fitts’ Law as a Research and Design Tool in Human-Computer Interaction. Human-Computer Interaction 7, 1. 1992.
Select one of these to read:
Johnny Accot, Shumin Zhai. Beyond Fitts’ Law: Models for Trajectory-Based HCI Tasks. CHI 1997.
Georg Apitz, François Guimbretière. CrossY: A Crossing-Based Drawing Application. UIST 2004.
I. S. MacKenzie, Tatu Kauppinen, Miika Silfverberg. Accuracy Measures for Evaluating Computer Pointing Devices. CHI 2001.
Jacob O. Wobbrock, Edward Cutrell, Susumu Harada, I. S. MacKenzie. An Error Model for Pointing Based on Fitts’ Law. CHI 2008.
Post a reading report in the appropriate thread(s), by 11:59pm the night before class:
Guest: Richard Anderson
Read the framing paper:
Rajesh Veeraraghavan, Naga Yasodhar, Kentaro Toyama. Warana Unwired: Replacing PCs with Mobile Phones in a Rural Sugarcane Cooperative. ICTD 2007.
Select one of these to read:
Neha Kumar, Richard Anderson. Mobile Phones for Maternal Health in Rural India. CHI 2015.
Kurtis Heimerl, Shaddi Hasan, Kashif Ali, Tapan Parikh, Eric Brewer. A Longitudinal Study of Local, Sustainable, Small-Scale Cellular Networks. ICTD 2013.
Post a reading report in the appropriate thread(s), by 11:59pm the night before class:
Guest: Jason Yip
Read the framing paper:
Allison Druin. The Role of Children in the Design of New Technology. Behaviour and Information Technology 21, 1. 2002.
Select one of these to read:
Jason C. Yip, Kiley Sobel, Caroline Pitt, Kung Jin Lee, Sijin Chen, Kari Nasu, Laura R. Pina. Examining Adult-Child Interactions in Intergenerational Participatory Design. CHI 2017.
Julia Woodward, Zari McFadden, Nicole Shiver, Amir Ben-hayon, Jason C. Yip, Lisa Anthony. Using Co-Design to Examine How Children Conceptualize Intelligent Interfaces. CHI 2018.
Post a reading report in the appropriate thread(s), by 11:59pm the night before class:
Guest: Adam Fourney
Read the framing paper:
GW Furnas, TK Landauer, LM Gomez, ST Dumais. The Vocabulary Problem in Human-System Communication. Communications of the ACM 30, 11. 1987.
Select one of these to read:
Horatiu Bota, Adam Fourney, Susan T. Dumais, Tomasz L. Religa, Robert Rounthwaite. Characterizing Search Behavior in Productivity Software. CHIIR 2018.
Eytan Adar, Mira Dontcheva, Gierad Laput. CommandSpace: Modeling the Relationships Between Tasks, Descriptions and Features. UIST 2014.
Don Norman. The Next UI Breakthrough: Command Lines. Interactions 14, 3. 2007.
Post a reading report in the appropriate thread(s), by 11:59pm the night before class:
Class Will Be 10:00 to 12:00 in CSE 403 to Accommodate Presentations
Due: Project Milestone
Submit your document in PDF format:
Submit your presentation in PDF, PPT, or PPTX format:
Be sure to consider guidance on Making Your Presentation Accessible.
Due: Statistics Lab (due at 11:59am to ensure time for reading)
Guest: Wanda Pratt
Read the framing paper:
Ian Li, Anind Dey, Jodi Forlizzi. A Stage-Based Model of Personal Informatics Systems. CHI 2010.
Select one of these to read:
Sonali R. Mishra, Andrew D. Miller, Shefali Haldar, Maher Khelifi, Jordan Eschler, Rashmi G. Elera, Ari H. Pollack, Wanda Pratt. Supporting Collaborative Health Tracking in the Hospital: Patients’ Perspectives. CHI 2018.
Eun Kyoung Choe, Nicole B. Lee, Bongshin Lee, Wanda Pratt, Julie A. Kientz. Understanding Quantified-Selfers’ Practices in Collecting and Exploring Personal Data. CHI 2014.
Post a reading report in the appropriate thread(s), by 11:59pm the night before class:
Guest: Christian Holz
Read the framing paper:
Bill Buxton. Touch, Gesture, & Marking. Book chapter 7 in Ronald M. Baecker, Jonathan Grudin, Bill Buxton, and Saul Greenberg, Readings in Human-Computer Interaction: Toward the Year 2000. 1995.
Select one of these to read:
Christian Holz, Patrick Baudisch. The Generalized Perceived Input Point Model and How to Double Touch Accuracy by Extracting Fingerprints. CHI 2010.
Daniel Vogel, Patrick Baudisch. Shift: A Technique for Operating Pen-Based Interfaces Using Touch. CHI 2007.
Post a reading report in the appropriate thread(s), by 11:59pm the night before class:
Guest: Meredith Ringle Morris
Read the framing paper:
Jennifer Mankoff, Gillian R. Hayes, Devva Kasnitz. Disability Studies as a Source of Critical Inquiry for the Field of Assistive Technology. ASSETS 2010.
Select one of these to read:
Shaun Kane, Meredith Ringel Morris, Ann Paradiso, Jon Campbell. “At times avuncular and cantankerous, with the reflexes of a mongoose”: Understanding Self-Expression through Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices. CSCW 2017.
Kyle Rector, Keith Salmon, Daniel Thornton, Neel Joshi, Meredith Ringel Morris. Eyes-Free Art: Exploring Proxemic Audio Interfaces For Blind and Low Vision Art Engagement. UbiComp 2017.
Post a reading report in the appropriate thread(s), by 11:59pm the night before class:
Guest: Audrey Desjardins
Read the framing paper:
William Gaver. What Should We Expect from Research Through Design?. CHI 2012.
Select one of these to read:
William Odom, Ron Wakkary, Youn-kyung Lim, Audrey Desjardins, Bart Hengeveld, Richard Banks. From Research Prototype to Research Product. CHI 2016.
Jayne Wallace, Jon Rogers, Michael Shorter, Pete Thomas, Martin Skelly, Richard Cook. The SelfReflector: Design, IoT and the High Street. CHI 2018.
Pieter Stappers and Elisa Giaccardi. Research through Design. Book chapter 43 in Mads Soegaard and Rikke Friis Dam, The Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction, 2nd Edition. 2012.
Post a reading report in the appropriate thread(s), by 11:59pm the night before class:
Due: Exam
Submit your document in PDF format: