Require Import List.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import String.
Open Scope string_scope.

Ltac inv H := inversion H; subst.

Ltac break_match :=
  match goal with
    | _ : context [ if ?cond then _ else _ ] |- _ =>
     destruct cond as [] eqn:?
    | |- context [ if ?cond then _ else _ ] =>
      destruct cond as [] eqn:?
    | _ : context [ match ?cond with _ => _ end ] |- _ =>
     destruct cond as [] eqn:?
    | |- context [ match ?cond with _ => _ end ] =>
      destruct cond as [] eqn:?


Inductive expr : Set :=
| Bool : bool -> expr
| Int : Z -> expr
| Var : string -> expr
| App : expr -> expr -> expr
| Lam : string -> expr -> expr.

Coercion Bool : bool >-> expr.
Coercion Int : Z >-> expr.
Coercion Var : string >-> expr.

Notation "X @ Y" := (App X Y) (at level 49).
Notation "\ X , Y" := (Lam X Y) (at level 50).

e1e2/x = e3
Inductive Subst : expr -> expr -> string ->
                  expr -> Prop :=
| SubstBool:
    forall b e x,
      Subst (Bool b) e x
            (Bool b)
| SubstInt:
    forall i e x,
      Subst (Int i) e x
            (Int i)
| SubstVar_same:
    forall e x,
      Subst (Var x) e x
| SubstVar_diff:
    forall e x1 x2,
      x1 <> x2 ->
      Subst (Var x1) e x2
            (Var x1)
| SubstApp:
    forall e1 e2 e x e1' e2',
      Subst e1 e x e1' ->
      Subst e2 e x e2' ->
      Subst (App e1 e2) e x
            (App e1' e2')
| SubstLam_same:
    forall e1 x e,
      Subst (Lam x e1) e x
            (Lam x e1)
| SubstLam_diff:
    forall e1 x1 x2 e e1',
      x1 <> x2 ->
      Subst e1 e x2 e1' ->
      Subst (Lam x1 e1) e x2
            (Lam x1 e1').

careful to make IH sufficiently strong
Lemma subst_det:
  forall e1 e2 x e3,
    Subst e1 e2 x e3 ->
    forall e3',
      Subst e1 e2 x e3' ->
      e3 = e3'.
  induction 1; intros; auto.
  - inv H; auto.
  - inv H; auto.
  - inv H; auto. congruence.
  - inv H0; auto. congruence.
  - inv H1.
    erewrite IHSubst1; eauto.
    erewrite IHSubst2; eauto.
  - inv H; auto. congruence.
  - inv H1; auto. congruence.
    erewrite IHSubst; eauto.

Lemma can_subst:
  forall e1 e2 x,
    exists e3, Subst e1 e2 x e3.
  induction e1; intros.
  - econstructor; constructor.
  - econstructor; constructor.
  - case (string_dec x s); intros.
    + subst. econstructor; constructor.
    + econstructor; constructor; auto.
  - edestruct IHe1_1; edestruct IHe1_2.
    econstructor; econstructor; eauto.
  - edestruct IHe1.
    case (string_dec x s); intros.
    + subst. econstructor; constructor.
    + econstructor; constructor; eauto.

define free variables
Inductive free : expr -> string -> Prop :=
| FreeVar:
    forall x,
      free (Var x) x
| FreeApp_l:
    forall x e1 e2,
      free e1 x ->
      free (App e1 e2) x
| FreeApp_r:
    forall x e1 e2,
      free e2 x ->
      free (App e1 e2) x
| FreeLam:
    forall x1 x2 e,
      free e x1 ->
      x1 <> x2 ->
      free (Lam x2 e) x1.

Lemma subst_only_free:
  forall e1 e2 x e3,
    Subst e1 e2 x e3 ->
    ~ free e1 x ->
    e1 = e3.
  induction 1; intros; auto.
  - destruct H. constructor.
  - f_equal.
    + apply IHSubst1; intuition.
      apply H1; apply FreeApp_l; auto.
    + apply IHSubst2; intuition.
      apply H1; apply FreeApp_r; auto.
  - rewrite IHSubst; auto.
    intuition. apply H1.
    constructor; auto.

closed terms have no free variables
Definition closed (e: expr) : Prop :=
  forall x, ~ free e x.

Lemma closed_app_intro:
  forall e1 e2,
    closed e1 ->
    closed e2 ->
    closed (e1 @ e2).
  unfold closed, not; intros.
  inv H1.
  - eapply H; eauto.
  - eapply H0; eauto.

Lemma closed_app_inv:
  forall e1 e2,
    closed (e1 @ e2) ->
    closed e1 /\ closed e2.
  unfold closed, not; split; intros.
  - eapply H; eauto.
    apply FreeApp_l; eauto.
  - eapply H; eauto.
    apply FreeApp_r; eauto.

Lemma closed_lam_intro:
  forall x e,
    (forall y, y <> x -> ~ free e y) ->
    closed (\x, e).
  unfold closed, not; intros.
  inv H0. eapply H; eauto.

Lemma closed_lam_inv:
  forall x e,
    closed (\x, e) ->
    (forall y, y <> x -> ~ free e y).
  unfold closed, not; intros.
  cut (free (\x, e) y); intros.
  - eapply H; eauto.
  - constructor; auto.

closed-ness preserved by substitution
Lemma subst_pres_closed:
  forall e1 e2 x e3,
    Subst e1 e2 x e3 ->
    closed e1 ->
    closed e2 ->
    closed e3.
  induction 1; intros; auto.
  - apply closed_app_inv in H1.
    apply closed_app_intro; intuition.
  - apply subst_only_free in H0; subst; auto.
    unfold closed in *; intuition.
    eapply H1; eauto.
    econstructor; eauto.

Call By Name
       e1 --> e1'
    e1 e2 --> e1' e2

    (\x. e1) e2 --> e1[e2/x]

Inductive step_cbn : expr -> expr -> Prop :=
| CBN_crunch:
    forall e1 e1' e2,
      step_cbn e1 e1' ->
      step_cbn (App e1 e2) (App e1' e2)
| CBN_subst:
    forall x e1 e2 e1',
      Subst e1 e2 x e1' ->
      step_cbn (App (Lam x e1) e2) e1'.

Notation "e1 ==> e2" := (step_cbn e1 e2) (at level 51).

Inductive star_cbn : expr -> expr -> Prop :=
| scbn_refl:
    forall e,
      star_cbn e e
| scbn_step:
    forall e1 e2 e3,
      step_cbn e1 e2 ->
      star_cbn e2 e3 ->
      star_cbn e1 e3.

Notation "e1 ==>* e2" := (star_cbn e1 e2) (at level 51).

Definition stuck (e: expr) : Prop :=
  forall e', ~ e ==> e'.

Lemma step_cbn_det:
  forall e e1,
  e ==> e1 ->
  forall e2,
  e ==> e2 ->
  e1 = e2.
  induction 1; intros.
  - inv H0.
    + f_equal. apply IHstep_cbn; auto.
    + inv H.
  - inv H0.
    + inv H4.
    + eapply subst_det; eauto.


Inductive value : expr -> Prop :=
| VBool:
    forall b,
      value (Bool b)
| VInt:
    forall i,
      value (Int i)
| VLam:
    forall x e,
      value (Lam x e).

Lemma value_stuck:
  forall e,
    value e ->
    stuck e.
  unfold stuck, not; intros;
    inv H; inv H0.

types and typing

Inductive typ : Set :=
| TBool : typ
| TInt : typ
| TFun : typ -> typ -> typ.

Notation "X ~> Y" := (TFun X Y) (at level 60).

Definition env : Type :=
  string -> option typ.

Definition E0 : env :=
  fun _ => None.

Definition extend (e: env) x t : env :=
  fun y =>
    if string_dec y x then
      Some t
      e y.

Inductive typed : env -> expr -> typ -> Prop :=
| WTBool:
    forall env b,
      typed env (Bool b) TBool
| WTInt:
    forall env i,
      typed env (Int i) TInt
| WTVar:
    forall env x t,
      env x = Some t ->
      typed env (Var x) t
| WTApp:
    forall env e1 e2 tA tB,
      typed env e1 (tA ~> tB) ->
      typed env e2 tA ->
      typed env (e1 @ e2) tB
| WTLam:
    forall env x e tA tB,
      typed (extend env x tA) e tB ->
      typed env (\x, e) (tA ~> tB).

env must bind all free vars to type
Lemma typed_free_env:
  forall env e t,
    typed env e t ->
    forall x,
      free e x ->
      exists tx, env x = Some tx.
  induction 1; intros.
  - inv H.
  - inv H.
  - inv H0; eauto.
  - inv H1.
    + apply IHtyped1; auto.
    + apply IHtyped2; auto.
  - inv H0. apply IHtyped in H3.
    destruct H3 as [tx Htx].
    exists tx. unfold extend in Htx.
    break_match; congruence.

therefore, typing in empty env implies term is closed
Lemma typed_E0_closed:
  forall e t,
    typed E0 e t ->
    closed e.
  unfold closed, not; intros.
  eapply typed_free_env in H0; eauto.
  destruct H0. discriminate.

canonical forms

Lemma cannon_bool:
  forall env e,
    value e ->
    typed env e TBool ->
    exists b, e = Bool b.
  inv H; inv H0; eauto.

Lemma cannon_int:
  forall env e,
    value e ->
    typed env e TInt ->
    exists i, e = Int i.
  inv H; inv H0; eauto.

Lemma cannon_fun:
  forall env e tA tB,
    value e ->
    typed env e (tA ~> tB) ->
    exists x, exists b, e = \x, b.
  inv H; inv H0; eauto.


Lemma progress:
  forall e t,
    typed E0 e t ->
    (exists e', e ==> e') \/ value e.
  remember E0.
  induction 1; subst; intros.
  - right; constructor.
  - right; constructor.
  - unfold E0 in H; congruence.
  - left. destruct IHtyped1; auto.
    + destruct H1 as [e1']. exists (e1' @ e2).
      constructor; auto.
    + eapply cannon_fun in H1; eauto.
      destruct H1 as [x [e1' He1']]; subst.
      destruct (can_subst e1' e2 x) as [e3].
      exists e3. constructor; auto.
  - right; constructor.


Definition env_equiv (e1 e2: env) : Prop :=
  forall s, e1 s = e2 s.

Lemma env_equiv_refl:
  forall env,
    env_equiv env env.
  unfold env_equiv; auto.

Lemma env_equiv_sym:
  forall e1 e2,
    env_equiv e1 e2 ->
    env_equiv e2 e1.
  unfold env_equiv; auto.

Lemma env_equiv_trans:
  forall e1 e2 e3,
    env_equiv e1 e2 ->
    env_equiv e2 e3 ->
    env_equiv e1 e3.
  unfold env_equiv; intros.

Lemma env_equiv_extend:
  forall env1 env2 x t,
    env_equiv env1 env2 ->
    env_equiv (extend env1 x t) (extend env2 x t).
  unfold env_equiv, extend; intros.
  break_match; auto.

Lemma env_equiv_overwrite:
  forall env x t1 t2,
    env_equiv (extend (extend env x t1) x t2)
              (extend env x t2).
  unfold env_equiv, extend; intros.
  break_match; auto.

Lemma env_equiv_neq:
  forall env1 env2 x1 t1 x2 t2,
    x1 <> x2 ->
    env_equiv env1 env2 ->
    env_equiv (extend (extend env1 x1 t1) x2 t2)
              (extend (extend env2 x2 t2) x1 t1).
  unfold env_equiv, extend; intros.
  break_match; break_match; congruence.

Lemma env_equiv_typed:
  forall env1 e t,
    typed env1 e t ->
    forall env2,
      env_equiv env1 env2 ->
      typed env2 e t.
  unfold env_equiv.
  induction 1; intros.
  - constructor.
  - constructor.
  - constructor; congruence.
  - econstructor; eauto.
  - econstructor; eauto.
    apply IHtyped; auto.
    intros; apply env_equiv_extend; auto.

Lemma strengthen:
  forall e env t x t',
    typed (extend env x t') e t ->
    ~ free e x ->
    typed env e t.
  induction e; intros; inv H.
  - constructor.
  - constructor.
  - constructor. unfold extend in H3.
    break_match; subst; auto.
    destruct H0. constructor.
  - econstructor; eauto.
    + eapply IHe1; eauto. intuition.
      apply H0; apply FreeApp_l; auto.
    + eapply IHe2; eauto. intuition.
      apply H0; apply FreeApp_r; auto.
  - constructor.
    case (string_dec s x); intros; subst.
    + eapply env_equiv_typed; eauto.
      apply env_equiv_overwrite.
    + cut (~ free e x); intros.
      * eapply IHe; eauto.
        eapply env_equiv_typed; eauto.
        apply env_equiv_neq; auto.
        apply env_equiv_refl.
      * intuition. apply H0.
        constructor; auto.

Lemma weaken:
  forall env e t,
    typed env e t ->
    forall x t',
      ~ free e x ->
      typed (extend env x t') e t.
  induction 1; intros.
  - constructor.
  - constructor.
  - constructor. unfold extend.
    break_match; subst; auto.
    destruct H0. constructor.
  - econstructor; eauto.
    + apply IHtyped1. intuition.
      apply H1; apply FreeApp_l; auto.
    + apply IHtyped2. intuition.
      apply H1; apply FreeApp_r; auto.
  - constructor.
    case (string_dec x x0); intros; subst.
    + eapply env_equiv_typed; eauto.
      apply env_equiv_sym.
      apply env_equiv_overwrite.
    + cut (~ free e x0); intros.
      * apply IHtyped with (t' := t') in H1; auto.
        eapply env_equiv_typed; eauto.
        apply env_equiv_neq; auto.
        apply env_equiv_refl.
      * intuition. apply H0.
        constructor; auto.

Definition free_env_equiv (E: expr) (e1 e2: env) : Prop :=
  forall x,
    free E x ->
    e1 x = e2 x.

Lemma free_env_equiv_refl:
  forall E env,
    free_env_equiv E env env.
  unfold free_env_equiv; auto.

Lemma free_env_equiv_sym:
  forall E e1 e2,
    free_env_equiv E e1 e2 ->
    free_env_equiv E e2 e1.
  unfold free_env_equiv; intros.
  symmetry. apply H; auto.

Lemma free_env_equiv_trans:
  forall E e1 e2 e3,
    free_env_equiv E e1 e2 ->
    free_env_equiv E e2 e3 ->
    free_env_equiv E e1 e3.
  unfold free_env_equiv; intros.
  apply eq_trans with (y := e2 x); auto.

Lemma free_env_equiv_extend:
  forall E env1 env2 x t,
    free_env_equiv E env1 env2 ->
    free_env_equiv E (extend env1 x t) (extend env2 x t).
  unfold free_env_equiv, extend; intros.
  break_match; auto.

Lemma free_env_equiv_overwrite:
  forall E env x t1 t2,
    free_env_equiv E (extend (extend env x t1) x t2)
                     (extend env x t2).
  unfold free_env_equiv, extend; intros.
  break_match; auto.

Lemma free_env_equiv_neq:
  forall E env1 env2 x1 t1 x2 t2,
    x1 <> x2 ->
    free_env_equiv E env1 env2 ->
    free_env_equiv E (extend (extend env1 x1 t1) x2 t2)
                     (extend (extend env2 x2 t2) x1 t1).
  unfold free_env_equiv, extend; intros.
  break_match; break_match; subst; auto.

Lemma free_env_equiv_typed:
  forall env1 e t,
    typed env1 e t ->
    forall env2,
      free_env_equiv e env1 env2 ->
      typed env2 e t.
  unfold free_env_equiv.
  induction 1; intros.
  - constructor.
  - constructor.
  - constructor. symmetry.
    rewrite <- H. apply H0.
  - econstructor; eauto.
    + apply IHtyped1; intuition.
      apply H1; apply FreeApp_l; auto.
    + apply IHtyped2; intuition.
      apply H1; apply FreeApp_r; auto.
  - econstructor; eauto.
    apply IHtyped; auto.
    unfold extend; intros.
    break_match; auto.
    apply H0. constructor; auto.

Lemma typed_closed:
  forall env e t,
    typed env e t ->
    closed e ->
    typed E0 e t.
  induction 1; intros.
  - constructor.
  - constructor.
  - unfold closed in H0.
    destruct H0 with (x0 := x).
  - apply closed_app_inv in H1; intuition.
    econstructor; eauto.
  - constructor.
    eapply free_env_equiv_typed; eauto.
    unfold free_env_equiv; intros.
    unfold extend. break_match; auto.
    apply closed_lam_inv with (y := x0) in H0; auto.

Lemma subst_pres_typed:
  forall e1 e2 x e3,
    Subst e1 e2 x e3 ->
    closed e2 ->
    forall env tA tB,
      typed (extend env x tA) e1 tB ->
      typed env e2 tA ->
      typed env e3 tB.
  induction 1; intros; auto.
  - inv H0. constructor.
  - inv H0. constructor.
  - inv H0. unfold extend in H4.
    break_match; congruence.
  - inv H1. unfold extend in H5.
    break_match; try congruence.
    constructor; auto.
  - inv H2. econstructor; eauto.
  - eapply free_env_equiv_typed; eauto.
    unfold free_env_equiv, extend; intros.
    break_match; auto; subst.
    inv H2; congruence.
  - inv H2. constructor.
    eapply IHSubst; eauto.
    + eapply env_equiv_typed; eauto.
      apply env_equiv_neq; auto.
      apply env_equiv_refl.
    + apply weaken; auto.

Lemma preserve:
  forall e e',
    e ==> e' ->
    closed e ->
    forall env t,
      typed env e t ->
      typed env e' t.
  induction 1; intros.
  - apply closed_app_inv in H0; intuition.
    inv H1. apply H0 in H7.
    econstructor; eauto.
  - apply closed_app_inv in H0; intuition.
    inv H1. inv H6.
    eapply subst_pres_typed in H; eauto.

type soundness

Lemma soundness:
  forall e t e',
    typed E0 e t ->
    e ==>* e' ->
    (exists e'', e' ==> e'') \/ value e'.
  intros. induction H0.
  - eapply progress; eauto.
  - apply IHstar_cbn.
    eapply preserve; eauto.
    eapply typed_E0_closed; eauto.

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